Part 14 (Lauren and Kyanna)

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For Kyanna2273


Kyanna POV

I winced as the fingernails of a rough, grubby hand pierced into my wrist. I tried to pull away as the hand led me towards the car, out of the grocery store. My brain panicked as my boyfriend, Eric, harshly pulled me towards the parking lot. What did I do this time? Ugh, dammit Kyanna, you always screw up. You know that Eric gets triggered easily. Why do you do stupid stuff like this?

I groaned as Eric pushed me into the car, my head banging against the roof. He started the car, and proceeded to drive without uttering a word. My palms grew sweaty, and I tried wiping them on my jeans. Finally, we reached my apartment. Lauren, my roommate, was out, so I followed Eric to my room. He locked the door behind him, and I crept to the edge of my bed, starting to feel nerves rise up my throat. He glared at me and said,

"Kyanna. How many times have I told you that just because you're bi, you can't go around acting like a slut and staring down every single fucking person we see. I saw you checking out that girl at the cash register."

I opened my mouth, then closed it. There was absolutely no point in arguing. That would just make him angrier. I braced myself as he swung his fist back, ready to punch. His fist hit my stomach, causing my breath to jump into my throat and disappear. His fist landed on my skin, definitely creating a bruise. I fell off the bed, unable to breathe.

Without giving me a chance to recover, he hit my jaw. Pain spiked throughout my face, and I felt the ever-familiar taste of blood enter my mouth. The coppery scent laced its way into my nose, and I choked. I sputtered out,

"Eric, please, I'll try better next time, I promise. I love you so much and-"

I was cut off my Eric's fist striking my eye, causing it to water up. It swelled up painfully, and I felt as though a million blades were piercing it. He screamed,


I cried out once again as he stomped on my ribcage. My breaths were nonexistent as I struggled against his foot. Little black dot clouded in my vision, and they danced across my eyes. I welcomed them, knowing that Eric would leave me if I passed out. Suddenly, a cold draft came flooding into the room from the opened door. Lauren stood at the door, her usually calm facing blazing in the light that was coming through the window.

She marched up to Eric, holding something in her hand. Even as my breathing slowly dwindled, I couldn't help but stare at her ripped jeans and olive green tank top, loving the way even the simplest outfits could make her look like a goddess.  My heart fluttered even as unnatural smounts of blood poured from my mouth.  Even my fuzzy vision could see what happened next. Lauren swung back the object in her hand, and it made a sickening sound as Eric collapsed to the floor.

Lauren ran over to me, tears already forming in her eyes as she gently laid a hand on my swollen cheek. The black dots consumed me as she said,

"Why do you do this to yourself Ky"


I woke up, groaing as a mixture of light and pain hit me all at once. I tried to smile as Lauren's face cleared into my vision, but instantly regretted it. My cheek burned in pain, and I felt as if someone had poured acid all over it. Lauren quickly put ice on in, and the pain subsided into a soft dull. She bit her lip and whispered,

"Im sorry."

I looked at her the best I could and said,

"Why, Laur?"

She took a breath, trying to hide a visible sob. She replied,

"I knew that Eric was a bad guy. I knew he was bad for you, because you're too sweet and put up with too much shit. This is all my fault. I can't stand seeing you in pain. It breaks my heart and I can't take it."

I opened my mouth to respond, but Lauren put her hand over my mouth. She took a breath and said,

"If I don't say this now, I'm gonna regret it. Kyanna, I love you. I've loved you since the day I laid my eyes on you. You make me heart flutter like a butterfly and then sink like a pebble when you're with someone else."

I bit my lip, my heart beating erratically. I replied before I could change my mind,

"Laur, I love you too. Its just that Eric would always call me a slut when I even looked at you, and I didnt want him to be angry with me."

She pressed her lips softly against mine, almost as if she were testing my feelings. I  moved my lips with hers as I smiled to myself. Suddenly, I pulled away and started to breathe heavily, my lungs not able to consum enough air. I said,

"Laur?!?!? Where's Eric?"

She giggled and said,


Lisa came into the room, and I gasped. Her hands were covered in blood, and she was smiling nonetheless. She giggled and said,

"Oh, this? Lets just say that Eric learned not to touch people I care about, that abusive, manipulative, fucking-"

My brain exploded in thought as I frantically said,

"Lisa you can get in serious trouble for that"

Her expression grew serious as she said,

"And you know what he can get in trouble for? Laying his hands on you. I wasn't going to hold back. And did Lauren not mention that she got a few hits in too? The little rat."

Lauren blushed as I shot her a look. She laughed and replied,

"Hey, that asshole messed with my crush. And I've always wanted to know what it felt like to pull a Lisa"

I laughed, not being able to stay mad at her. She pressed her lips against my forehead, and whispered,

"Get some rest beautiful. I'll still love you when you wake up."

Hope you liked it :) Requests are open :)

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