Part 12 (Listina)

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Requested by jessicx_nicolee


Lisa POV-

I turned to my side, and coughed brutally into my elbow for what seemed like the millionth time today. My raspy cough echoed through the room, and Christina turned to look at me. I looked away, pretending to be immersed in the decorations of the hotel room.

The walls were navy blue, with hints of the beige undercoat peeking out from the worn corners. There were a few vases placed across the room, and the single lamp emitted a vibrant, warming glow. The room was fairly small, and the two beds took up most of the room.

Nothing could distract me from Christina's gaze. She finally said,

"Lise? Are you okay? That cough sound really bad."

I smiled despite the burning sensation in my throat. I replied, trying to fake some confidence,

"Yeah. I'm good. Just a small cough. I'm just trying to get it all out before our show tonight."

Her eyebrows crinkled, and I could tell she didn't believe me. She said,

"Are you sure? Listen, this show is going to be relatively small. Half the tickets are still available. We're talking 50 people there. You can take today off. Just to get over that cough."

I rolled my eyes, trying to be believable,

"Chris, I'm fine. Promise. Besides, none of you rats can sing my parts anyways."

I smiled, ignoring the dull ache that had began to form, probably a result of me being sick. But I couldn't let the girls or the fans down. Noticing the time, I began to get ready. After all, part of feeling better is looking better.

I straightened my short hair, admiring how good it looked today. I threw on a typical Lisa outfit: navy blue jeans, a blue faded shirt, and a black leather jacket. My brand new white vans completed the outfit.

I held in my coughs as my sister's and I drove to the venue for the soundcheck. The dull ache turned into a full on pain as we practiced the first song- Up at Night. By the time Acid Rain rolled around, my body felt as if white hot knives were penetrating every inch of its surface.

I tried to ignore the pain. But it was surrounding me. It was rooted in me. I took off my jacket, feeling as if the sweltering hot temperature would burn me alive. Cool air hit my pores, and suddenly I was in the tundra.

Christina stared at me as I sang my part of the song. I tried to look normal, as if I was completely fine. But I wasn't. I felt her eyes on me as we rehearsed our last song, Before October's Gone. We exited the stage, and I caught a glimpse of the early fans waiting outside.

As soon as I finished taking a gulp of water, Christina bombarded me,

"Lisa? You're not fine. This is your last chance to call it quits for tonight."

Dani spoke up from behind me,

"Chris stop panicking! She's fine."

Lauren added,

"Yeah. And even if she wasn't, it's too late now. It's almost showtime. She doesn't even sound sick anyway."

Katherine said,

"No one can sing her part anyway, it's too high. She'll be fine Chris."

Amy added,

"Yeah, and what will the fans say? It's better to just perform. We have the day off tomorrow. She can just rest then, if she's feeling that crappy."

I nodded in agreement. There was no way I was missing this show. I couldn't let anyone down. I heard the screams of the crowd, and glanced down at my phone. 5:57. Three more minutes. I massaged my throat. Keep your shit togther. No coughing.

The lights dimmed, and I walked out onto stage. I was hit with a wave of screams. I smiled at the crowd, who was belting my name.

The soundtrack for Up at Night came on. As Dani's voice echoed through the mike, I was hit with a wave of nausea. I sat on the floor, trying not to attract too much attention.

By now, the lights and rush of the crowd had made the room unbearably hot. I took off my jacket, but continued to feel beads of sweat drip down my neck. I noticed a fan staring at me in worry. She had dark brown hair with green eyes. I smiled at her, trying to make everything seem alright.

Her face started to move, and her features became blurry. The edges of her face became a soft blur, and the background music for I know you know it rang in my ears.

I vaguely felt my head hit the floor as the blurry darkness overcame me.

Five hours later

I felt cold water drip down my shirt and body as I lifted my head. Blood rushed towards my brain, and I clutched my head in pain. Lauren looked at me and said,

"GUYS. She's awake."

I looked at her in confusion,

"Laur? What happened?"

She smiled gently and said,

"Well, Lisa, Christina was right. You were sick. One hundred and three fever."

I groaned and said,

"So what happened? I can't really remember."

Christina came into the room. She said,

"Well, Lisa, we continued the show. Lauren and I alternated your parts. I knew you were sick. Why do you always insist on being so stubborn?"

I pointedly avoided her question, and instead looked around at my surroundings. The new hotel room was light green with a baby blue border. This room had three beds, and Lauren was sleeping on the remaining one. The light was off, and a bottle of medicine was on the bedstand.

Christina looked at me and said,

"Lisa? Do you wanna answer my question?"

I smiled and walked over to her bed. She questioned,

"Lisa? What are you doing? You're gonna get me sick."

I jumped on her bed, and trapped her body under mind. I replied,

"That's the point! Now feel my infected wrath."

Lol that was pretty bad and I don't know what that ending was..but it's okay :) I have at least 5 one shots in the making, so keep an eye out for that

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