10: The Rescue of Zeus

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-----AUTHOR'S NOTE--------------------------------------------------------------

This chapter might be a little gory. Sorry in advance.


"Derek! NO!" Zeus shouted in horror as Derek fell to the ground, clutching where his arm used to be. He began to shake.

"Chappy, I got medical training! Let me patch him up, just give me some cover!" Erica said, her voice quivering.

Zeus ran to the side of the building where Finn's sniper bullet had entered. He peeked out, and the wall beside him puff up in smoke. He looked at the door, and saw insurgents coming in. He drew his knife. 

"No more of my men die today," Zeus said grimly, and charged into the group of insurgents. He slit the first one's throat, followed by three shots from his DMR to the three men out in the corridor.

"Chappy, we gotta get him back to the Pelican!" Erica said, picking him up and rushing out.

Zeus sheathed his knife, drew a pistol, and picked up Derek's shotgun. He ran after Erica and killed anyone in his way.

"Hey numbnuts," Derek grunted to Finn, "you missed my face. I'm coming back for you, and when I do, you're a dead man."

Finn laughed over the communications link. "What are you gonna do? Punch me with that one arm?"

Zeus fired the pistol in Finn's direction, moving him away from his position.

The team reached the Pelican, and got inside.

"Chappy, man the chain-gun!" Erica yelled, and Zeus broke off the gun from the back of the Pelican.

"I'm not coming back with you two. I'm gonna buy you some time," Zeus said.

"But, what about Riley?" Erica asked with concern.

"I'm activating my transponder now," Zeus said, fearlessly. "Go! I'll buy you time, just get Derek to the Med Bay!"

Zeus watched as the Pelican flew away, and then shot the chain-gun at the insurgent men and ran to get their Warthog. He was just about to take off when Alicia appeared, holding the little boy with the broken arm and leg.

"Get out and put your hands up or this little boy dies." Alicia said, ruthlessly.

Zeus looked into the little boy's eyes and saw himself- a boy full of terror and anxiety who just wanted someone to save him. He got out of the car and  got on his knees with his hands up. Finn appeared behind him.

"I hope she takes it easy on you, dude. God knows I wouldn't." Finn said before knocking Zeus out.


Riley's POV

"He did what!?" Riley exclaimed, after she was awakened by a startled Erica.

"H-he went back to Arcadia because he left something and we had to get the Forerunner artifact." She stammered. "Finn shot Derek's arm off, and the last time I saw Zeus he was covering our escape."

Alicia! That little snake! She must have him! Riley thought.

"If you're going on a rescue mission, I want in," Reeva said after walking in.

"You're not going anywhere, Reeva. Zeus is mine, and he loves me."  She said, angrily.

"Look," Reeva said, "we both like the bloke, and since he's in trouble, we should team up to help him. With Derek and Erica both out for the count, that leaves you, me, and the Sanghelli."

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