Zora!Link x Female!Reader

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So this was originally actual smut, but I changed it to a troll. I'm sorry, it was too cringey before. I kept some of the context the same, including the warning before the story started:

Requested by Lady_Saki01, who wanted actual smut rather than my typical "lol hey reader and character are doing things with sour fruits" shit.

So here we go...

ALSO, this is an AU where Link and the Reader are both adults (and are also still in Termina, because it's an AU and I said so).

....Are you honestly sure you wanna read this?

It's actual smut, not a troll, I swear.

Ok, here you go:

Zora Link slam-dunks reader through a basket ball hoop, and suddenly, the reader is in a pile of lemons. The end.

...You're still here?

You want the smut THAT badly?

*Sighs* alright, fiiine. Here's the actual lemon.

Lady_Saki01, this is for you man... er, woman. I mean, you did request it.

Just a warning, my smut-writing skills aren't fantastic.

3rd person POV

It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and Link was having sweet fuck-all. To say that he was in a bad mood was a complete understatement, and to say that he wasn't pissed off with his roomate/bestfriend, ____, was the understatement of the year. Y'see, not long before now, ____ had done something stupid. Again. And she almost got herself screwed. Again. Link thought that he had gotten it straight into her head last time that dicking around with shit she didn't understand was a bad idea. But whoopidee fuckin' doo. Here she was, doing more retarded shit, and nearly getting her ass kicked. I mean, she was screwing around with Majora's Mask, for Hylia's sake! How ____ had even gotten it away from the Happy Mask Salesman was beyond Link, but he returned it to the man with a quick apology, and returned home with ____ and an unnerving silence that walked alongside the two as they returned home. And now, here they both were, back in the house, with Link pissed off beyond imaginable.

That was it, he had decided. Link was going to march right up to ____'s room and give her a piece his mind. He stomped up to her room, flung the door open, and stopped dead in his tracks. Link's eyes were wide. He had walked in on ____ being weird. Just fucking great. It most certainly caught him off guard. He was debating whether to just tell her off anyway or shut the door and walk away.

____ turned around and grinned at him. Link screamed like the gay little boy that he was, threw a lemon at her, and ran away. ____ snorted as she held up the zora mask. "Welp. He forgot his mask." She shrugged and went back to doing what she was doing before.


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