☉ Welcome to Target ☉

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     "...and so I say, 'Excuse me, sir, but those toothbrushes don't belong in your pants!'"

    "Get back to work before I shove those toothbrushes up your ass."

    It was currently noon on a Thursday, and Jackson was attempting to tell Jaebum a supposedly funny story. Did Jaebum find it funny? Hell no. At that moment, he was just focused on scanning the items of the old lady he was dealing with. Jackson, on the other hand, was idling like an idiot.

    "Chill your dick, man, I was just joking around," Jackson said, putting his hands up in surrender.

"Your total is three thousand won," Jaebum said to the lady, totally ignoring Jackson.

"Thank you, have a nice day." After repeating those words for about the millionth time in his life, he turned to Jackson. "Quit slacking off, you're gonna get fired."

    "If I get fired, then I'll light myself on fire out of pure joy because this place is hell," Jackson said, leaning against the check out desk. Jaebum just gave him a questioning look before someone spoke up.

"Hey uglies."

Both Jackson and Jaebum, turned in the direction of the voice to see a very skinny male, Kunpimook - Bambam for convenience purposes - , walking towards the check out desk. He was one of the employees assigned to the clothing section of the store.

    "I'm not ugly, I have abs!" Jackson screeched, lifting up his shirt suddenly, only to have it yanked down by Jaebum.

    "This is Target, not a fucking whore house," the older growled.

"Manager-hyung said that you guys should get your asses in the break room," Bambam spoke up.

"Ew, why?" Jackson asked, making a face. Bamabam just shrugged and gave him a how-the-hell-should-I-know look before walking off.

"You know," Jackson said as Jaebum started closing up the register, "Bambam needs to do more squats, his ass is flat."

Jaebum looked at Jackson, then at Bambam, then at Bambam's ass, and then there was silence until...

"Well, you're not wrong..."


"Who the fuck is this?"

A small groan was heard as Mark elbowed Jinyoung in the side, frowning at his sudden question.

Six Target employees, along with their manager, were now standing in the break room. However, everyone's eyes were focused on the odd person out; a very tall male who was standing beside their manager, looking at the floor.

"This is your new co-worker," their manager, whom they called JYP, said. "His name is Yugyeom, and since you idiots can't actually seem to do anything right except fuck up, I'm letting you guys show him around for today."

Without another word, JYP stepped out of the room, leaving the seven of them behind.

"Well," Jinyoung, one of the cashiers, said while clapping his hands together, "have fun showing him around, you guys!" He then started to make his way towards the exit. "Now if you'll just excuse me-"

Jaebum grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him backwards. Jinyoung just folded his arms and frowned, and everything became quiet for a little while. Not the good kind of quiet, either, it was the awkward as shit kind of quiet.

"Let's introduce ourselves!" Youngjae, who was a part of customer services, said, trying to break the ice. "I'm Youngjae." He then extended his hand towards Yugyeom, who shook it lightly for about two and a half seconds before Bambam came barging in.

"And I'm hot and ready," he said, shoving Youngjae out of the way.

"You'll have to excuse him, he's in heat at the moment," Jaebum said, which made Yugyeom give a small laugh but made Bambam scoff.

"Listen, I'm not a fucking dog-"

"No, but you sure act like a little bitch-"

"Anyway!" shouted Mark, one of the baristas at the Starbucks found within the store. "Welcome to Target, Yugyeom. It's about time for us to take our lunch break, so how about you join us? Then we can show you around?"

Mark was probably sounding pretty friendly right now but, to be honest, he was just extremely hungry and wanted to get the hell out of the store. He didn't give a rat's ass about Yugyeom.

"That's fine," Yugyeom replied, speaking for the first time since they had all gathered in the break room. Without further discussion, they left.


A/n: Finally uploaded the first chapter. I know it's kind of boring but that's always how first chapters usually are! It'll get way better, trust me!

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