❄️Chapter 1❄️

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'It all started in a little town called Mistlerville...'

I was walking through the park that day, a Tuesday. The 15th of December, 2016. I was 17 years old, and I was already in college.

My ma always told me that I'm to young to be in college this fast. Or really, any boy to be in college this fast.

My name's Shawn Matthew, and this is my story... Well, and my Husky's story.

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"I'm just sayin', you need to get yourself a girl, Matthew." My coworker, Hannah Taness said. She always tells me this, every Christmas, and Valentine's Day.. Typically any holiday that involves love.

"Hannah, why do you always make me feel so lonely?" I laughed, pouring the steaming hot water in the pot and turning it on quickly.

Oh, did I forget to mention, I'm a worker for the one and only, Starbucks. I know, I know, it's kinda bad. Starbucks doesn't pay as much as most jobs would. But guess what? I love it here. The fresh smell of hot cocoa and coffee mixed together. The people chatting, listening to music, on the computers.

And most of all, you know what I love? Love. People walk in here and a girl bumps into a guy. It's like love at first sight.

Anyway, back to the story.

Hannah laughed, grabbing a lid off the top, "Your not lonely. I've been with you for so long that you probably don't have a memory of when you were lonely!"

I rolled my eyes leaning against the counter, "Oh I have plenty of those memories, Han."

She ignored the comment and continued on as she usually does, "Besides, Shawn. I think you need someone. Like I said, you need a gir-"

Then, a thought immediately popped in my mind and I shot around to look at her. "Wait! I have an idea. I'll find a girl-IF you find a boy." I tell her simply, smiling mischievously.

She raised her eyebrow in suspicion but nodded anyways, slowly. "Hm, are making a joke that I don't see? Because I've been on you for years about this and now you finally agree?"

I nodded with a smirk. "Yes! I'll get a girl if you get a boy. Simple as that!" I exclaimed with amusement.

She nodded her head fully this time. "Alright then. We will all go on a double date Christmas night then!" She says with a clap of her hands.

I chuckled, with a nod. "Alright then."

"Alright then." She confirmed, turning around as I did so too, smirking to myself in the process.

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I sighed heavily, walking through the park with trudging, slow steps.

I was walking to the pound. I don't have a car, so I mostly walk everywhere I go. I mean, that's good exercise I guess.

I can't exactly afford a car... But I can afford a dog... Hopefully.

I walked through the doors, jingling as they opened. Smiling at everyone kindly as I walked up to the desk.

The woman smiled back at me a look that said 'I-wish-someone-would-get-me-a-new-job'.

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