Chapter 8: Chant

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After telling us to meet at the village Chief's house when Mary woke up, the adults scattered and went back. We were also forced to return just as I expected.

We had breakfast and waited till noon before Mary woke up. She still seems to be unsteady on her steps but after telling her of what happened, she said that we need to go as early as possible.

We carefully walked towards the neighboring tree while Nina lent her shoulder to Mary. Halfway through, her breakfast seem to have taken effect and her body slowly started to stabilize. By the time we reached the village Chief's house, she can already walk by herself.

"Are you sure about this...?"

I cannot help but ask. Depending on how she handles the situation, it may escalate into something that is beyond control.

"It's my fault to begin with. I'll make sure that I accept proper punishment if necessary."

Mary said with a firm expression. She looks determined. She then took a step forward and knocked on the wooden door. A voice saying "come in" was heard not long after.

The three of us entered with the order of Mary, Nina and me. The interior of the village Chief's house was almost similar to Mary's and Nina's house but looks wider due to having only tables and chairs inside.

Instead of a house, it looks more like a meeting room. Several adults were present including the chief himself, Doctor Tessa and Orga the Carpenter. I noticed that even the rich looking merchant, the leader of the caravan, was present. Aren't they supposed to leave the village yesterday afternoon?

"Sit down..."

The elder spoke, pointing to a chair on the other narrow end of the rectangular table. Without even thinking twice, we let Mary to sit down. Nina and I stood right behind her like bodyguards.

"... Now that everybody is here, let's begin the meeting. I will be acting as a moderator and will stay neutral all the way. Orga will be acting as another Moderator just like me."

After confirming the faces of everyone inside, Doctor Tessa Spoke. It seems that she and Orga will not be participating. If this is a court, then her position will be something similar to a judge.

"... Then, first of all, Mary, please tell us about what you made."

"... Yes."

With Dorctor Tessa's suggestion, Mary seem to have tensed up. Despite that, she explained the chain of events one by one from the buying of the book up to my experiment yesterday and the lesson that followed.

Everybody listened carefully and asked questions on several occasions.

"... Then, I applied the same theory to some normal leather gloves. Since drawing the circle will make it easy to erase, I decided to engrave the markings and then fill it up with powdered Manadite Chalk."

I checked the gloves and noticed that it really was engraved. The Manadite Chalk sticks inside the grooves like cement. By the way, the gloves was still worn by me as it is comfortable and looks cool.

"And then, I passed the glove to Nazo for testing before I fell asleep. That's all..."

Everyone had a serious face on. The chief nodded his head lightly.

"I basically get what happened. What I want to ask is how you made the power of such a small, singular magic circle reach the level of a multiple chain magic."

Hearing the question, Mary looked a bit doubtful.

"... That... Actually, my design was to make a fireball about the size of a fist... I really don't know how it reached that level myself..."

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