Chapter 4

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It's now a Saturday. The whole of the week I couldn't stop thinking about one thing.


I can't get his words out of my head. It's hurting my brain. I haven't slept a wink this week, none at all.

The rest of the week at school has gone by normally. Luke is now part of the 'populars'.

Some of the guys from his from his group of 'friends', have been making a few sarcastic comments.

Mostly Luke.

Telling me, I should dress differently, lose weight, wear more make-up to cover up 'that thing I call my face'.

I usually don't get offended by stupid things people say, but with Luke; I can't seem to get what he says out of my head.

A knock on my bedroom door tore me from my thoughts.

It was Calum.

"Hey Alex, we're heading down to the beach and wanted to know if you wanted to come? We're leaving in 20 minutes," he exclaimed happily, with a huge smile on his face.

"Sure Cal, just give me a minute to get ready," I returned his smile.

I didn't want to go, but you can't resist a smile like that. The guys are trying to be nice to me, I appreciate it.

Cal smiles again, nodded, and walked out the door shutting it.

I'm slightly worried about the beach. What if they saw the scars?

Make-up. That's it. I walked into my bathroom, grabbing my make-up bag. Carefully applying it to my skin. I wasn't planning on going in the water anyway, so it won't wash off.

I then walked over to my closet. Pulling out my red bikini, slipping it on. As well as my shorts and a Blink 182 t-shirt, tucking it in slightly.

I walked downstairs, putting on my flip-flops. And jumping in the car, joining the boys.

"Hey, sorry I took so long," I apologised.

"Nah, it's fine, you didn't take too long. Well let you off this time," Michael chuckled, winking at me. Making me laugh along.

The car ride was silent, just the sound of the music lowly playing in the background.

We pulled up at the beach, getting all of the stuff out of the boot. Then heading down to set up our stuff.

I laid out my towel on the soft sand, and took of my shirt and shorts. Lying down on the soft material;watching as the guys raced down to the water, obviously trying to get there before each other.

I chuckled lightly at the idiots in the water splashing each other and dunking each other under.

I decided to try and take a nap, and lay down, and pulled my headphones out. Putting some music on.

I felt a shadow, blocking me from the sun. I opened my eyes only to be met with Ocean blue eyes. Not just any eyes.


His eyes were wide as he stared down at me.

'"Yo-You're so t-thin? W-What? I-I your r-ribs?"He stumbled over his words, looking down at my stomach.

A figure came up behind him. I recognised it as Jace, the biggest player, and complete dickhead of the school.

"Luke, what the fuck are you doing around this bitch?!" He exclaimed angrily.

"Mate, calm down. I was just letting her know she should really put some clothes on. No-one wants to see that. So fat,"

And with that he left.

I just picked up all of my things, putting my clothes back on and starting the walk home.

I looked back over at Luke, seeing him with his arms wrapped around the waist of a blonde girl. She was thin and pretty. Why couldn't I be her?

From now on I won't eat, it's the only way I will.

I didn't realise I was staring until I saw Luke look at me with that egotistical smirk plastered across his face.

He always seems to leave.

****** ****** ****** *******

Guys! I'm sorry, this chapter was kinda shit.

I don't feel too well and my head is killing.

It was really short aswell. I'll try to update again later

I'm so sorry.




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