First Meeting

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Vero was finally going to Australia.

RTX was finally here. Months of waiting, hours upon hours of time spent in calls, and timeless daydreams spent gazing at the wall daydreaming of what's to come had led to this day. It was simultaneously one of the most nerve-wracking and elated moments of her life when she had loaded onto the plane that morning; and that feeling persisted for the following hours on the flight. Even pokemon and couldn't distract here - though the evolution of Hanzo into a powerful Decidueye had occupied her for a good hour.

The flight was now pulling into the terminal at the Sydney airport, and Vero still hadn't gotten her nerves under control. If anything; they'd heightened even more. It wasn't the fault of her friends - hell, they made everything easier. Knowing that Geronimo, Winky, Crimbo, and everyone else was out there somewhere waiting for her was this warm glow in her chest that even her nerves couldn't dampen .It was who was waiting for her somewhere in the airport ahead who was causing her nerves

Stupid fucking Brad.

The idiot she'd fallen for. The asshole with a heart of gold. The absolute wonderful cunt who'd managed to steal her heart. Somewhere outside the plane's gate he was waiting, expectant. What would he think when her saw her? She knew that he returned her feelings but - but - but -

She knew she wouldn't live up to his expectations.

But there wasn't any backing down at this point.

So she gathered her stuff and shuffled into the line of sleepy passengers exiting the plane. It moved more quickly that she would have like, preoccupied with thoughts of who was waiting for her - she was walking out the gate, going through customer service and having her passport checked as she - and then she was following signs to the entry gate, working her way through winding hallways -

The gate was fairly empty, as she'd flown in relatively late. Vero looked around, but couldn't see Brad. In retrospect, it probably would've been a good idea to organize a place to meet at first. Vero turned a corner, headed towards the baggage claim to get her suitcase from the ovaloid conveyor belt, but was stopped with the peculiar sight in front of her down the hallway. but standing in the middle of the hallway of the gate just 60 meters away was a guy with a box on his head. A box with a picture of Bastion's face on it, holding a sign that said "Shenpai" in scrawly handwriting.



Vero took a tentative step forwards. Then another. Then another and another and another, and then she was jogging and then running to close the distance between the two of them. The boxed head jerked up when it heard the approaching footsteps.

Vero slowed quickly, stopping just a foot or two in front of him. She stared at the box, and could eyes staring at her through the cardboard. "Brad?" she asked again, tentatively.

Brad dropped the sign, and slowly took off the box. Brown eyes met blue and revealed ruffled hair under an infamous hat with a crooked but tense smile. Another few seconds of awkward eye contact was held - there was so much to say, but neither knew where to start - but Brad took the initiative and reached for the brim of his hat. No - he wouldn't, they just met -

"M'lady." he drawled in a false southern accent.

Vero's eyes widened. He actually - he actually had - she grin broke out across her face, and she started to giggle.

It was Brad's turn for his eyes to widen. Apparently he hadn't expected her to react so positively.

Then Brad grinned in return, and Vero began to laugh harder - it was the same gorgeous laugh he'd heard so many times over calls, that he'd never grown tired of hearing despite how many times he'd heard it, that he strived to bring out - and Brad couldn't help but join in.

Vero didn't entirely know what just happened, but some things didn't change, and one of those things was definitely Brad. There wasn't any difference between the one in front of her and the one she'd spoken to for countless hours online. I have nothing to worry about.

Vero let out a few final belly laughs, before it faded off into amused wheezing. She reached up beneath her glasses to wipe away a tear that had formed during her fit, before straightening up to face the still-giggling Brad.

"You fucking idiot, you. C'mere." She opened her arms wide.

Brad moved into the hug with no hesitancy, wrapping long lanky arms around her as she tightened her own around his lean torso in return. She fit perfectly in underneath his chin, head pressed against his heart. It was so warm, and it was just so sweet -

"I'm glad you're here, Shen." Brad spoke, burying his head into her hair.

"Me too, Brad. You have no idea."   

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