New Year's

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 New Year's was supposed to be a happy time. A time to welcome next year, to shed the last one and look forwards to the bright shiny new one ahead. A time that friends and couples shared, waiting for the strike of midnight to bring on a new era.

So why was Vero here, hiding on the pool deck, crying silent tears and stuck on a moment from the previous year?

She'd made a stupid mistake, that was why.

Vero had crossed the world to celebrate the holidays and New Years with her friends in Australia. They'd gathered at the hotel she was staying at for the party - good food from the buffet, free alcohol for those who wanted it (a drunk Bazza was a hilarious Bazza, but stumbling into a pool was fortunately a rather sobering experience), and enough room for all of her friends to gather in the sweet Vero was sharing with Dayne to celebrate the New Year.

Vero had crossed the world to spend the holidays with those she loved. She shouldn't be wasting it hiding on a pool deck. But when you let emotions get the best of you, that's what happened.

As she had flown in, as she'd stepped off the deck and was greeted with a crowd off welcoming arms and so much love she didn't know what to do, there was this little thought that was making a home in the back of her mind. Brad was in Australia, and she was going to be meeting him at the New Year's party.

Brad was.


They'd been flirting on and off for months now. The tension - romantic or sexual Vero didn't know, probably some combination of the two - was palpable every single time they spoke. When he joined her on stream, it didn't help - the chat was crazy, and she'd had to resort to sub mode more often than not. But they did help bring her and Brad together at least -"The Blushing Bradstion" was still more than enough evidence.

And now she'd finally met him. In person. She'd met Brad in person. She'd met Brad in person, and fucking kISSED HIM.


Vero buried herself further into her knees as a new wave of tears came in. She'd kissed Brad. She'd fucking kissed Brad.

When they'd first met - Brad had shown up late to the airport with Sean to greet her, walking in to find a melting group hug in the lobby - he'd drawn her into a surprise hug as she'd been passed from Winky and Geronimo, to Sean, then him. She loved her friends, and she loved Sean, but there was something almost... different about his hug. It was tight, a head buried in her shoulder. She had stood stock-still for nearly a minute, before wrapping her arms around him hesitantly in return. He'd stood there a minute longer, just squeezing her, before drawing back and giving her this half-smile. All soft eyes and happy expression, he'd said he was so happy she was here now.

Vero thought her heart had melted out at the statement, and she hoped Brad didn't notice her horrific blush or tentative but hopeful smile that had graced her mouth at the statement. He had, of course, and taken the opportunity to tease her about not being able to handle the Australian heat. She had spluttered for a minute right before attempting to choke out a response, but then he went and did something that made even himself pause.

He'd grabbed her chin, and ran his thumb over her lips gently. She'd gone stock-still at the affectionate gesture, and suddenly there wasn't anything else in the world except her and him. The feeling of his finger on her lips, the arm that was still wrapped around her waist and holding her close - the way she'd moved her hands up to place tentatively on his chest. Every touch was warm and electric, and he'd started to lean down to her, she'd fallen into instinct and started to lean up to meet him -

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