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It had been a wondrous day. Panels upon fascinating panels, merchandise purchasing, meeting the stars, and amazing cosplays could barely sum it up. The best part were the friends along the way - Stylosa had flown in from England, and the majority of the Australian gang had come up from the land down under. Another stream was crashed, vlogs were taken, and selfies were posted to twitter. All-in-all, it had been a ridiculously fun and productive day. 

And both Brad and Vero were as done as hell. 

Vero opened the door to her hotel room with a thankful sigh and walked in, Brad following her in. Wasting no time, he did the thing he'd spent the entire ride back daydreaming about - and flopped directly onto Vero's bed face-first, with a thankful groan. 

"Same. Couldn't you at least take off your shoes?" Vero said from across the room, staring at her impatient boyfriend as she removed her own. 

"Mrrf." was Brad's only response, as he flipped over and pulled himself up on the bed to recline against the small mountain of pillows against the headboard. He stared at Vero momentarily, before leaning forwards and take off his own.

"See? Isn't that much better?" Vero said, and a half-smile crossed her face. 

"Mrrrrryes." Was Brad's reply, as he melodramatically flopped back onto the pillows, shoes dramatically thrown to the side of the bed. 

"Now move over."

"Wha-?" Brad was cut off quickly and sat up as a flopping Vero right next to him startled the Bastion main. "Oh."

"You're not the only exhausted one. I don't know about you, but I'm taking a nap before we go out for dinner."

"Sounds like a good plan," Brad replied, before relaxing back against the pillows again. "But where do I come in?"

"Here." Vero replied, and rolled over. She threw one arm across his chest, and Brad responded by lifting one arm up. She tucked herself up under it and rested her head underneath his chin on his chest, and let out a small content sound as she settled against him and his arm returned to rest around her shoulders. 

It had been a wondrous but long day. The couple on the bed deserved their rest, and were determined to get it. They'd learned quickly to savor every moment together after their first visit went by way too quickly, and quite patches in their busy lives like this one were especially treasured. It was rare the two could spend simply quiet time together, in person, and they planned to savor every moment until sleep took them. 

Not until Brad finished vocalizing his thoughts, at least. 

"You're really soft."

Vero un-tucked herself from under his chin, and looked reproachfully at the faux-cowboy. 

"It's true! You're all comfy and curvy and stuff and your weight is nice. You're just so... you're comforting. You're really comforting. You make this feel like home even if we're both so far from it."

Vero blinked in shock at the unexpected sweet words, and couldn't prevent the stupid smile that graced her face as she turned pink and tried to bury herself in Brad's chest again. Brad smiled at the site of her, and leaned forwards to peck her forehead. 

A muffled "Fuck you." came eloquently from Vero in her hiding spot, once again under Brad's chin. 

"Maybe later, babe. Maybe later." Brad said happily in return, and rubbed her back gently and laughed quietly as his lover groaned into his chest. 


I felt bad for not posting for so long (blame finals) so here have some badly-written 1 am fluff to tide you over until I can write something proper this weekend.  Lemme know if any spelling errors are spotted or whatever. Thanks for all the views and favorites and stuff, and I'm still taking requests. 

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