.prodigy house

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you-(looking around) wowww prod this is beautiful

prod-(closes the door) thanks

you-u welcome

Amanda-prodigy can I play your ps4

prod-gon head

prince -I bet I can beat u in basketball

Amanda-boy.... please you must not know who I am (waving her finger in his face with her hand on her hip)

prince-oh really

Amanda-what ever.....

prince-(puts the game in)

Amanda-let's go

                        30 minutes later

prince-WTH they cheating this is not happening(looking .at the score)

Amanda-mommy come look at my score I beat prince send prod I think he needs help or he needs a nap time cuz he's crying like big ol babyyyyyyyyyy (giggles)

you&prod-(comes ont the kitchen and looks at the score and prince and bust out laughing)

(the door bell rings)

prod-(laughing his ass off and opens the door)

ray-what's wrong wit u

roc-yea my nigga are u high

prod-(points to the living room)

they-(walk in and see prince )

roc-wtf is that


Amanda-hay..... y'all look I beat prince in basket ball

ray-(looks at the .score)


ray-140 to 0

they-(bust out laughing)

you-the food is ready

Amanda-(runs in the kitchen) me first

the boys-(come in pushing each other)

prod-(gets in line) I'm second

boys-dammit now we last

you-(fixes everybody's plate and sits down and says grace and eat)

boys-thanks yn

Amanda-thank you mommy

you-you welcome

                     later on

prod-so y'all staying at my house tonight


prod-ight wbu yn

you-umm Idk if that's a good idea

Amanda-mommy plz(yawns)



                     sleep time

(its storming outside)

you-(wakes up and goes to check on Amanda then goes to prods room and knocks on the door

prod-(gets up and opens it) yea Wats wrong

you-I don't want to sleep alone I'm scared of the storm (giggles)

prod-yea Wat about Amanda

you-she's with the boys they fell asleep watching movies

prod-okay (closes the door and walks to the bed lays down)

you-(gets in the bed and scoots closer to prod send lays on his chest)

prod-(wraps his arms around you)

you-just like old times



prod-(kisses you forehead) goodnight yn I love you

you-ILY to prod

y'all-(goes to sleep)

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