home sweet home//

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you-(walked in the house)

Amanda-(stays on the porch)

you-Amanda cmon baby lets put your things in your room

Amanda-(shakes her head) mommy I don't wanna he's gonna get u

you-(turns around) baby nobody's gonna get me

Amanda-(starts crying) yes he is mommy and I'm scared he's gonna get me to

you-(kneels down in front of Amanda) baby I promise no one will touch or even speak to u in the wrong way

Amanda-u promise(sniffles)

you-I promise

Amanda-mommy can u tuck me in to bed please

you-yes anything for my baby(picks her up and takes her to her room and trucks her in to bed )

Amanda-I love u so much mommy(yawns and closes her eyes)

you-(kisses her head) I love u to manda (walks to the door and starts to slowly close it)

Amanda-goodnight mommy

you-goodnight manda

                     ///two weeks later///

you-(laughing on the couch watching tv with Amanda)

Amanda-(giggling) mommy Kevin hart is so funny we should tell the boys about this movie ride along

you-(laughs) yea that would be a great idea


you-yes(looks at Amanda)

Amanda-will me , you and daddy get a house one day and be A happy family

you-baby we already have a house together

Amanda-not Antonio I mean u me and prod

you-baby-(gets cut off)

Amanda-mommy Nooo!

???-(grabs u by your hair and starts punching u in the face)

you-(kicking trying to get out of his grasp)

Amanda-Antonio please let my Moma go please......(crying)

Antonio-(looks at her then you) did u teach that HUH (snatches your head up ) BITCH I'M TALKING TO YOU!!!!(PUNCHES U AGAIN)

you-GO TO HELL! (head bets him and starts kick where it counts and then starts punching him) FUCK U ANTONIO

Antonio-(in pain)

Amanda-(screaming and crying)

you-manda call prod and te him to meet us at his house

Amanda-(dails prod number)


a-prod meet us at your house

p-okay I'm on my way back home now is something wrong

a-(starts crying) I-I have to go

((((end of convo))))

you-(grabs Amanda and takes the car keys and run to the car and hop In and speeds of to prod house and finally arrives and knocked on the door)

prod-(opens the door and stared at ur face)

you-its nothing(walks in and Lala Amanda on the couch)

prod-(turns u around and kisses u and hugs u like yours favorite person In the world)

you-(starts crying in his arms)

prod-I love u yn

you-I love u to prod can u promise me something


you-promise you will never leave me



prod-I promise yn I will never leave I love u to damn much to your break your hurt


prod-yea anybody would be stupid ass HELL to ever leave your side like I was and I'm sorry I will never do it again I promise I will protect u and Amanda even if my life depended on it y'all are my family and always will be

you-thanks prod I love you so Mouch and u show Amanda nothing but love something that her father never really showed and now I get to sleep at night knowing that my baby girl is safe to sleep and doesn't have to hear her mother screams at night and cries and bruises(starts crying)

prod-(holds u tighter and pick u up bridal style and takes u up stairs to his room and picks Amanda up nd lays her down In the room next door and comes in and lays next to u)

hey I was wondering if anybody wanted to suggest anything what do u want to happen next or even if you want to be In the story I will put u in. just comment and I will look over all of them thanks!


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