His Sisters A Keeper

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The rest of the night Daniel and I were wrapped in blankets and he held me in his arms. "What did I miss? How long was i gone? Is Christopher dead?" Daniel growled, "do not speak of another man's name in front of me" I turned silent. "Yes he is dead. You've been out for 3 days and were gone for 2. Anything else?" I sighed, "can we stay like this for forever?" he nodded, "as long as you want" then he kissed me on the head. 

When I looked up at him I saw that his eyes were closed and he looked half asleep. "Let's go to bed" I whispered. "As you wish" he shifted and pulled me closer to his chest, stretching as far as I could go I was able to give him a kiss on the check before settling back down, and falling fast asleep.


When I woke up I could sense that Daniel was gone and had been for a while when my hand touched his cold side of the bed. Jumping up I went downstairs, following the smell of bacon and eggs. My stomach grumbled. I hadn't eaten in days. Which only made me walk faster. 

When I reached the kitchen, Daniel had 2 plates in his hand, and had scooped up the food onto each of them. Without looking back at me he handed me the plate and continued cooking and grabbing stuff out of the fridge, but not before I gave him a big kiss on the lips. Grabbing a fork I ate as fast as a rapid dog ate the first piece of meat he saw. 

Sitting next to me Daniel smiled, "I'm happy to see that you like my cooking" I grinned, "I've always liked your cooking" he kissed me, "then I will cook for you every day from now on" putting our plates away I did the dishes and packed Daniel lunch while he went to the pack house, when he came down he frowned. 

"While I'm gone I want you to lock all the doors and stay inside" he ordered, "no! Come on Daniel I need to let my wolf out at some point, it's been like a week!" he sighed, "How about when I get home we can go for a run together and it will be turned into a date night?" I huffed, "fine but it better be good" I said poking him in the chest. 

After he left I started to do chores around the house, like sweep the floors and dust the shelves and stuff like that. Then I sat down and picked up my favorite book, Poison Study, beginning to read. I watched the show The 100 and Agents of Shield. Eventually it was 4:30 and I decided to get ready for my date tonight. 

I put on some mascara, blush and lip gloss. I found a dress that showed off my curves and matched my new shoes. Then I heard the car pull up. Looking out my window i saw Daniel in a black suit and red roses. Running downstairs, he was just opening the door when I jumped on him, giving him a huge hug (trying my hardest not to ruin the flowers;) He laughed and set me down on the ground. 

"I missed you" he whispered, handing me the bouquet. Smelling them I felt as if my heart had melted. "Thanks for the flowers" I said, not paying him any attention as I grabbed a vase, filled it with water and set it on the table. "Your welcome" he whispered in my ear making me shiver. I hadn't noticed him creeping closer. His hands snaked around my waist and he took my hand in his, "lets go for a run" he pulled me outside and suddenly picked me up bridal style, slipping off my shoes and setting me back down. Then we ran.

We ran and ran until everything became a blur and I had no idea where we were, but he did. Slowing down we ended up at a lake, the water was as clear as the sky. "Oh my god how did you find this place?" he turned to face me, "I would do anything for you" and then suddenly we were taking our clothes off. My dress was on the dirt covered floor and I had jumped into the water, Daniel was right at my heels. 

We could of stayed there for forever and not of had a care for the world. The bottom of the lake was deep, farther down than my toes could reach but Daniel had no trouble finding the bottom. Wrapping my arms around him, he helped me 'stand'. "I told you this would be fun" he said, as I laid my head on his chest, "I had no doubt about it" I replied. 

And then my lips were on him asking for an entrance. He growled but let me in, sucking his bottom lip. He grabbed me by the waist and propped me up so I wouldn't keep falling. My legs went around him and then he was cupping  my breast. I wanted him so bad and he knew that, he was just testing my patience. But soon his would be running out too. I saw his eyes get darker and lust filled them. He carried me to more shallow water and set me down as he nipped at my breast. My hand was going threw his hair and I leaned back as he sucked on my neck, giving him more access. His little jr was getting hard and was pressed against me, I wanted this. 

He lifted me into the air and adjusted himself giving me exactly what I wanted. Lowering me down I groaned against his big dick, as he went deeper and deeper into me. I wanted to scream his name,  "keep going" I instructed, panting deeply. He pushed up and down, in and out of me that finally I couldn't take it, "Daniel! Daniel!" he kissed me again, silencing me. Did he feel as good as I did? Finally I reached my climax and I could feel a liquid go down my legs. "Mmm" I put my head on his shoulder and tried to gain my breath back.  

We were one now. Never to be separated. "I love you" I said, "I love you more" he kissed me on the forehead. "For now and always"

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