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Jess P.O.V:
I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping. I slowly sat up and looked out the window. I was met with the bright sun. Crap I overslept.
I quickly got dressed and opened my door to be met by Alby.
"Relax greenie. You got today off." He then walked away.
Day off? Who gave me the day off? Oh well. I better go get breakfast.
I went back into my room and took off my running gear.
I put on a pair of black leggings, a grey sports bra and a white flowing tank top. My first stop was the kitchen, I was hopeful for a breakfast of some sort.
"Hey Fry!" I yelled as I opened the door.
  I heard a bunch of pots and pans bang. Whoops.
"Jess? Why on earth are you yelling at me? Scared the klunk out of me" Fry called from in behind the counter.
"Cause I'm hungry." I replied with a smirk.
"You didn't have to yell, I would've given you food. Now I'm not so sure." His head popped up from behind the counter and he looked at me with a face full of amusement
"Please Frypan." I begged.
"Alright. I'll make you an egg."
"With cheese?"
"I don't see why not."
"And ham?"
"Yes but that's it."
  I go and sit at one of the tables and waited for my omelet. I was twirling me thumbs when the door to the kitchen creaked open, Newt sprinted through.
"Jess. There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you."
"Why's that?"
"It's Minho."
"What about him? Did something happen?" I began to stand up.
"He was attacked by a griever."
Newt grabbed my hand and ran- well limped- pulling me to the medjacks hut.
Lots of boys were gathered outside of the hut. Newt pushed and shoved our way through the crowd to see Gally standing at the door.
"Watch out Gally." Newt said
"Sorry shank. No ones allowed in there besides the medjacks." Gally replied
"Who told you that?"
"You did, about five minutes ago."
"Oh. Well I'm also allowed in and so is Jess."
Newt pushed past a grumpy looking Gally. We went into the hot, stuffy hut.
"Clint? Jeff?"
"Hey Newt, Jess. I suppose you're here to see Minho. He's over there." Clint said pointing across the room.
Newt and I walked over to a bed with a person on it. Their back was facing us. Minho.
Newt and I exchanged a worried glance. We slowly approached him. I held my breath, I was nervous to see the damage done.
Suddenly Minho rolls over smirking, making me and Newt jump.
"Gotcha shanks" he laughs.
"Minho not funny, I thought you were seriously hurt." I said.
"I am."
He gestured down to his ankle showing the brace wrapped around it.
"I actually wasn't attacked by a griever but I tripped and fell. Alby wouldn't have let me stay here unless there was a griever."
"How long are you out?" Newt asked.
"Only for a week. Then I can run but with the brace on. That's for a month. Then I can go back to normal running."
"Who will cover your section?" I asked
"I'm not sure. All of the runners have their own sections, but we can't miss one day of a single section. The only trainee we had was you but last time you had a small panic attack."
"I'll go talk to Alby about it." Newt said.
He made his way over to the door and thanked Jeff. After he left I looked back at Minho.
"How ya doing greenie?" Minho asks
"One don't call me greenie, two I'm just dandy. You know stuck in the glade that's in the middle of a giant freakin maze."
"Very interesting. And how does that make you feel?" Minho said sitting up and crossing his legs.
"What are you? My therapist?" I laughed.
Minho and I sat around and bothered the two medjacks for awhile. We were both laying on the small bed. The door to the hut opened up.
"I though I'd find you here." A familiar British voice asked.
"What did Alby say?" Minho asks
"Your replacement is going to be Jess."
"What?" He sat up
"Alby said that she was the most experienced, even with only one day of training so she'll run your section."
  Minho looked at me concern covered his whole face.
"Absolutely not. No way, she doesn't know half of the dangers out there. She doesn't even know the route!" Minho argued.
  I was actually kind of eager to go out there, even after my freak out.
"Minho it'll be fine. I'll be fine." I said to him.
"No, you're not going out there alone." Minho said.
"Alright. Well both go talk to Alby then." Newt said. He grabbed my arm and led me outside.
"Where's Alby?" I asked.
"We aren't talking to Alby." He grinned at me.
Then and there I knew we were thinking the same devilish thought.
I was running in the maze tomorrow.

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