Chapter Twelve-- Run!

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Laboringly, Katrina’s leg spun, jamming into the soft drifts of snow, aching. Sarah was a leaden burden in her burning arms. Fade ran alongside them, his breath coming in ragged gasps. And yet, the men pursuing them, not far behind them worked smoothly and tirelessly, like oiled automatons, never ceasing.

A hole gaped in the chain-link fence behind them, Fade had torn it down. Around them was starkly beautiful land. Stolid glaciers fed steady streams down around them. Mountains twisted and flanged toward the dark blue sky, and an orange harvest moon was cradled in between peaks. A thick, brooding  mist obscured their feet.

The men behind them began to fall back, it felt like Katrina was swallowing pure ice, coating her lungs. Sarah whimpered in her arms. Katrina bent her head and planted a kiss on her head.

“We’ve lost them.” Fade broke the silence. His arms rested on his knees. He deftly wiped his mouth and pulled his backpack off his shoulder. “We can go slower, but we must be careful not to fall in complacency.” He paused to catch his breath. “We need shelter, or we’ll die.” He put his statement bluntly.

“Over there,” suggested Katrina, pointing to a dark blur on the base of one of the nearest mountains.

A smile broke across Fade’s face. “Brilliant eyes!”

They headed toward the cave.

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