Time isn't enough

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"How long left?"

"2 weeks."


"2 weeks."

That's all I have left. It felt like suffocating, and my lungs hurt all the time, but -

I get to live normally for 2 weeks.

I made sure my parents didn't know. I don't want people to ask me if I'm doing well, or how I was doing. I felt so


And they did nothing to help.



"You okay?"

Oikawa's gaze shifts from the screen.

"Hm? Yeah." He answers, but quietly. It has been 2 days since he started talking again, but he doesn't say much.

"Iwa-chan." He pauses before saying.


"Open this after I'm gone, okay?"

"No peeking!" He smiles.

It's fake.

My heart clenches and I think,

Oh god, no. Please don't do this to me,

I love you so, so much.

And the tears fall again, and Oikawa laughs a little in the background but everything is muted and my vision was blurry, and all I hear is Oikawa's faint laughter.

"Iwa-chan looks funny when he cries."
He laughs, then chokes and keeps quiet for a while.

He sounded so desperate while laughing and my heart hurt so much, and I die a little inside, and it was moments like these where I could almost hear the ticking time bomb attached to Oikawa, waiting to go,


And I choke on my own tears. Oikawa lundges forward and I catch him with my arms. He sobs into the hem of my shirt, and I bury my face into his hair.

The envelope he hands me gets all crumpled, but that didn't matter for now. For now, it's just Oikawa.

"I love you."

I choke out, voice muffled by his hair.

He nods furiously, and I feel my shirt getting wet from all the tears.

Everything is well.


Copper eyes, and a bright, blue sky. (Iwaoi//Oiiwa)Where stories live. Discover now