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Ashley pov:
I woke up and check the time like I always do. It was 10:13;I remember that me and Cody were going to hang out and then film for my channel.

I got ready (outfit above) I brushed my teeth and went to see if Jake was ready also. Jake and his girlfriend are going also because they can drive.

Cody later got here and we were off to the mall. I got my camera out and started my vlog. "Hey guys it's Ashley and today me,Cody,Jake and Elissa are all going to the mall right now",I said.

I pointed the camera towards Cody and he smiled his award winning smile. We soon got to the mall and Jake and Elissa went off together while me and Cody went on our own.

We went into zumies and Cody saw an adidas shirt right away and bought it. I was still looking and Cody came back over and was helping me look at stuff.

I asked him if he could hold my camera real quick and he said sure. I picked up a thrasher shirt and heard Cody's voice,so I turned and saw he had the camera pointed toward me.

I laughed and hid my face. I ended up getting the shirt and we went other stores and did t see anything. We were suppose to meet Jake and Elissa at the food court.

Since me and Cody were done early we got got food. I got out my camera and said "so me and Cody got ourselves some food cause we are waiting for Jake and Elissa to be done. Me and Cody also tweeted out some questions from y'all",I said.

We looked at our Twitter and started ready some questions. "@ Ashleyxangeles said -are you and Cody dating?¿ #askashandcody- no me and Cody are just friends"I answered.

Although I wish we were I thought. "@ cupcakes101-how did you and Ashley meet?¿ #askashleyandcody-we met at the skate park with the others" he answered.

We answered a few more questions till we saw Jake and Elissa walk over. We then left and went back home. Me and Cody went out to the trampoline.

I changed into some Nike spandex and a tank top. "Alright so I decided that I'm gonna teach Cody some tricks",I said. 

I set up the tripod and made it so we were in frame. "Do you know how to do a kaboom?¿" I asked. "Nope", he said. "Well you're about to" I said with a laugh.

I showed him what to do at first he struggled with it. He soon then got it. "How are you learning these so fast I don't understand?!" I said

"I'm a natural that's how",and did an imaginary hair flip. I taught him some more tricks and I then ended the video. We stayed out there for a little bit he went to go get some waters for us.

While he was gone his phone went off. I looked see and it said "kayden😍😘💜:hey babe you still coming over?" I was sad/mad. I thought he liked me.

He can back out and checked his phone. He then all the sudden said "my mom just texted me saying she needs me home right now". He got up and left.

I went into my room and started crying a bit. Was this a mistake?¿ I wondered. I checked the time and it was only 7.

I changed into:

I told Jake I was going out for a walk

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I told Jake I was going out for a walk. I walked out and started to think of everything that happened. I started crying.

I somehow ended up at the skatepark. I just sat on the curb with my head in my hands.  "Hey are you okay?¿" I looked up and saw......

Long chapter but who do you think she saw
Ooooo cliffhanger
Later people✌🏼️

Thankful~Cody flomWhere stories live. Discover now