7.will you go on a date with me?¿

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Ash pov:
I posted a pic of me with my eyes closed and holding up the peace sign with the caption ~I don't like feeling sick☹️✌🏼️~on snapchat. I guess Jake saw cause he texted me asking if I wanted soup.

I replied with a yes and thought how Jake is such a great brother. I laugh a little and go onto Instagram and looked and followed some of the fam pages.

I saw one and it had the picture that Derek posted and they captioned it ~I ship #Dashy counting down the days till it happens. I liked it and commented ~😘😊~. I followed them also.

Jake walked in with a bowl of soup and a sprite. I thanked him and he said to get better soon cause he needs someone to film for him. I rolled my eyes and said whatever and laughed.

I finished my food and drink;I decided even though I'm sick I can still take a bath to relax a bit. I got a bath bomb and put it in.

I just sat there for a bit. After a bit longer I got out and dried off. I rushed my teeth and changed into some comfy shorts and an oversized hoodie that Derek left a while ago.

I got back in bed and watched some t.v. There was a knock on my door and I yelled come in. I looked over and saw it was Derek. I smiled and said hey.

He said hey and walked over to me. "What's the bag for?¿" I asked. "I decided to be a good friend and get you your favorite ice cream"he said while having a big goofy smile.

He handed me the bag and got in bed with me. When he was next to me he put his arm around me. "No I don't want you to get sick"I told him while taking his arms off me.

"And I don't care if I do I just want to spend time with you"he said while putting his arms back around me. I laughed and rolled my eyes and we watched a movie while eating the ice cream.

I was done with my ice cream so I snuggled into Derek more with my head on his chest. I looked up at him and just stared at him(not in a creepy way).

"T.v. Is that way ash"he said while looking down a smirking a bit at me. I was at lost for words and just blushed while still looking at him.

"Is that my hoodie?¿" he asked. "Oh yea it is sorry I just found it some where in my room"I said while looking back at the tv quickly.

"It's fine you can have it. It looks better on you than it did on me" he said.

Derek pov(oooo):
"It's fine you can have it. It looks better on you than it did on me" I told her. She smiled her beautiful smile. I wanna tell her how I feel but I don't know if she feels the same way.

I sat there with her in my arms just thinking if I should tell her or not. I snapped out of my thoughts by ash asking if I was okay.

"Yea just thinking" I told her "about what?¿" she while sitting up to face me more. I sighed and decided I'm just to tell her.

"Ash look there is something I need to tell you" I told her nervously. She nodded her head as telling me to go on. "Ashilikeyou"I blurted. "What say it slower"she told me.

I nodded and took a deep breath "Ashley I like you"I told her. I looked at her and I couldn't tell what she was feeling. She stayed quiet so I continued with saying "i get it if you don't like-" I was cut off.

I was cut off by Ashley attaching her lips with mine. I was shocked at first but kissed back. We pulled away and she smiled and said "Derek I like you too".

I smiled and kissed her again. We cuddled and watched some more tv I held her close to me. "Ashley" I said. She looked at me and said "yes?¿".

"Will you go on a date with me?¿"I asked. She smiled and said yes. It was late at night so we decide to go to bed.

Ash pov:
I went to go brush my teeth and when I came back I saw Derek in just his boxers under the covers. I got under the cover and turned the mini lamp I had on my nightstand off.

Derek wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I turned so I was facing him and smiled. He said goodnight and kissed my forehead before he fell asleep.

I smiled to myself thinking about me and Derek before I let darkness surround me and I was asleep.

Derek pov (again):
I kissed her forehead and said goodnight. I thought about our date before I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Longer chapter and Ik Cody hasn't been in it that much but watch out for the next update and some stuff gonna go down.....maybe idk but it will have Cody in it but thats it for now
Later people✌🏼️

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