5.im fine

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Still yesterday
Ashley pov:
"Hey are you okay?¿" I looked up and saw it was Derek (why is Derek always the one). "Yea I'm fine",I said. He sighed and shook his head.

"I'm not stupid I can tell you were crying now tell me what happened",he said. I told him what happened from the very beginning all the way till now.

I was crying in his arms. He looked at me and said "let's get you back to your house ok" I didn't really wanna go back cause of Jake. As if on cue Jake texted me saying he was staying at tanners.

"Jake texted me saying that he was gonna be staying the night at tanners" I said. He nodded his head and we started our way back to my house.

We walked in silence but it wasn't an awkward silence either. It wasn't a long walk because we live close. We walked in and he sat on the couch. I asked if he wanted something to drink.

He nodded his head so I went to get us Mountain Dew. We were just watching tv when my phone went off. It was a good night text from Cody saying "goodnight beautiful💜" I just rolled my eyes.

"He's a jerk ya know" Derek said. "Yea tell me about it" I said but my voice barely above a whisper. Derek pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around me.

It was late at night and I could tell Derek was tired and so was I. "Lets go to my room so we don't have to be on the couch cause I know it's not comfortable" I said.

We walked up to my room and he got in bed,I brushed my teeth and all. I turned off the light and got in;I turned to Derek and said "thank you for caring" he smiled and said "anytime".

He closed his eyes and we were still facing each other. I just looked at all his features. Like his freckles,his long blonde hair,blue green eyes.

"My eyes may be closed but I can still feel you staring" he said with a smile. " I wasn't staring I was looking at the poster behind you" I said while blushing. "Your poster is on the other wall ash" he said.

"Whatever" I said and turned around going to sleep.
~next day~
I woke up with arms wrapped around my waist. I remembered that it was Derek;I blushed kinda enjoying it.

I had to get up though because I needed to pee. I tried getting up without waking Derek. I failed because he pulled me back down. "Derek I need get up" I whined.

"No just a little bit longer"he pouted.  "I gotta use the bathroom though"I told him. He let go and fine. I laughed and went to use the bathroom,I brushed my teeth also. I walked back out and saw Derek awake now.

I walked back to the bed am sat down. "You hungry?¿" I asked. He nodded his head. I walked down to the  kitchen and started making pancakes and bacon. Jake still wasn't home yet so I didn't make him any.

I know I'm a good sister. Derek came down and put his arm around my shoulder and said thanks and too a piece of bacon. "Yea your welcome" I said while eating the rest of the piece he got.

"Hey that was mine" he whined. "There's more"I said. I finished and we ate he said thank you and hugged me. I said your welcome and hugged back.

His mom texted saying he had to go home. He forgot to tell her he was staying over. So he can over to me and hugged me once again and kissed my forehead saying goodbye and left.

I said bye and closed the door behind him. I just now realized what happened. I blushed thinking about it and smiled. I wish I was with Derek. Wait what?¿I don't like Derek,or maybe I do I don't know. I signed and had a lazy day.

Hmmm Derek and Ashley?¿
What about Cody and Ashley
I don't even know what's gonna happen😂
Later peopl✌🏼️

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