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If you ask me when I found out I am bisexual, I'll tell you that it's been quite a while. Maybe around 11 years ago. I was always attracted to boys and girls. That's why my playgroup consisted of 3 boys and 4 girls. I grew up telling everyone I am only attracted to guys and people still believe that to this day. Only one person knew the real me: my best friend *lets call her Polly* Polly and I know basically everything about each other. We are so gay with each other, but we are not gay for each other. You know what I mean? It wasn't until high school when more people found out: my other best friends and friends in school. Some friends asked me who I like and I told them that I like a girl *lets call her Taylor coz I'm horrible at making names* The first response I got was, "You like girls?" I told them I am bisexual and they replied, "I would have seriously never guessed that. " Eventually Taylor found out I like her and asked me to be her girlfriend. I obviously said yes and people around school started to find out we were dating. Well technically we did go around telling some of our close friends and then it spread. The most common responses I got after were "You don't look like you like girls" and "I thought you only like guys" and "Are you lesbian?" I laughed at those comments because, well, they were funny. Anyways I was considering coming out to my family since I didn't want to keep her as a secret. And then stuffs happened, blah blah blah, and I changed my mind. There is no one for me to come out for. I know some will say "come out to your parents and stop hiding your true identity" The thing is I'm not hiding myself. Yes, I haven't told them I also like girls, but I haven't been trying to hide the signs and hints. I just be myself the entire time. If I had a girlfriend, then I would go up to them and say "This is my girlfriend" I know for sure they would not respond in a good way because they are Muslims. I'm not scared to admit to them though. I've gotten past the 'scared' stage when I was 13. If they ask me about my sexuality, I won't be afraid to tell them I'm bi. I'm just chilling right now on Unicorn Island, eating skittles. Now we just wait.

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