Every time something drastic and/or dramatic happens or will happen, I have a weird tradition of cutting my hair. It's really crazy and stupid of me. Since I love my hair, when I cut it, it shows that I'm throwing away a piece of love and my heart is upset or scared. As time passes, my hair grows back showing that I'm regaining the love and confidence I lost. Many times as a child, I shaved all my hair off because of how badly broken I was. Sometimes I just got a pixie cut. I stopped cutting it when I was 8. That lasted for 4 years until I turned 12. I started cutting my hair again, but by small sections, because I started getting hurt by others and myself. On December 9, 2015, I chopped my long hair up to my shoulders and got layers because of the amount of pain I was in due to so many people. I didn't cut my hair after that until December 24, 2016. I didn't cut as much. Maybe just a handful, but it's because I'm hurt and scared. I'm traveling to my country in 5 days and there is a chance I might not make it out alive, emotionally, so I chopped off my love and the other reason I can't speak of. This is my weirdness.