The Start

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"good morning~" I heard an overly joyous voice say.

It could only be my beautiful eomma.

"Get out of bed fuck face" a deep voice said.

Which could only be my Appa.

Emma gasped "Namjoon watch your language!"

"Good morning" I said as I got out of bed. "Now get out, my room it's becoming crowded"

I had school today, which I was not looking forward to. School just wasn't the same without Jackson. My parents haven't been the same either, Jackson usually would wake me up but since he's gone my parents took over his job. As I walked downstairs I saw my brothers Jimin and Hoseok. Hoseok was the oldest of us three, Jimin was the second oldest and I was the youngest. Hoseok and Jimin were both in college but were visiting since they both had a long summer break. Which I knew Jimin was happy about considering he was failing all his classes.

"Kira, you ready for school" Jimin asked.

"No Chim Chim I am not" I replied.

"Aww cheer up ~ carebear it's your senior year, the best year of the high school experience"

I was so happy it was senior year. High school is tough and I was so ready to be done with it. It wasn't like I got bullied or anything but school sucked ass.

"I can't believe my little girl is getting so big" Eomma cried out.

"She is not a little girl anymore, Kira gonna be 18 soon" Hoseok said.

"Do you know what you wanna do after high school" Appa asked.

"Yes, I wanna sleep for the rest of my life" I said. "Look at the time, I must be leaving now I have school to attend"

Usually I walked to school with this kid named Taemin but I guess Taemin wasn't going to school today since he didn't show up to our usual meet up. Taemin was a dancer and a great singer. Sometimes when I'm bored I'd invite him over just so he could entertain me. But walking to school by myself was boring.

When I made it to school I saw a lot of people crowding the hallway. I wondered what was going on. Girls and boys had crowded the hallway and it was extremely loud.I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, It was my friend

Jiyun was a sassy short girl from Daegu who worshipped the ground my brother Taehyung walked on.

"Jiyun, what's with all these people crowding the hallway, aish I'll probably be late to class" I complained.

"It's some new kid and from what I heard he's really hot" She said.

"We'll they can go crowd him outside, I need to get to class" I said.

I had three minutes and in those very few minutes I had I was gonna try to get to class. I pushed through as many people as I could to get through but unfortunately the bell rung signaling that I was to be late.

When I did finally make it to class I was 10 minutes late. Landing me in detention after school for the rest of the week.

"Why does my life suck so much" I groaned.

"I don't know" Kibum said. "Maybe if you didn't dress like hobo you'd have friends and life wouldn't suck that much"

Kibum was a outgoing gay guy who didn't take shit from anyone. And I loved him for his boldness and fashion.

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