Going Up, Going Down

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Leigh Anne huffed, annoyed at her eyeliner that wouldn't wing out just right. You'd think after years of doing the same thing, she'd be able to perfect it by now, but it was amazing how something as simple as eyeliner could tick her off. It didn't help that the stage manager was screeching fifteen minutes as if no one had ever understood the concept of time before. She finally dropped the brush she was using, focusing on her lipstick as the group of girls from the last act filed in, a sudden orchestra of sighs, squeals, bitching and moaning starting up. The dancers at Bar None weren't known for being the nicest. They had perfect bodies and could dance their asses off, but most of them were more trouble then they were worth or too stupid to tolerate. Most of them. There were a few that you could learn to like but only one Leigh Anne actually considered a friend. 

Ainsley, a bright eyed fire cracker that befriended Leigh as soon as she came from America, and was actually the reason Leigh had this job in the first place, plopped in the chair next to her and immediately got to work reaching back and untying the knots on the back of her red boustier, an annoyed expression taking over her usually softer features. "You'd think they'd want me to breathe when I was out there, but it's like they're trying to kill me." Leigh Anne smiled softly, understanding where she was coming from. The owners of Bar None, the top burlesque joint in all of Clerkenwell, was about putting on a show, not keeping their dancers happy. And with Fabric stealing a lot of their customers, they had been in an extra competitive mode, which meant more pissed off dancers who knew they would have to stick with it, because here they weren't high class strippers. They were performers, they were talent. You couldn't get that same recognition just anywhere else. "Well at least you're almost done?" Leigh Anne offered weakly, knowing that the thought of getting home sooner wasn't exactly the ultimate fix, but she was trapped here for another three hours, where as Ains was about to head home for the night. As she expected though, her friend rolled her eyes. "Whatever, you get to go out there and sing. I was dry humping a piano for a good minute out there, you get no sympathy from me." despite her harsh tone, there was a smile on her face, and it only grew as she forced Leigh Annes chair around, pulling it close and taking the brush that had been abandoned. "Close." She commanded before Leigh obliged, thankful that she didn't have to actually ask for help. The girls back here were ruthless and were always on the look out for something to complain about, and it was bad enough that Leigh had been given a gig singing and had her name on the marquee when the rest had been instructed to make her look good. She was constantly on the chopping block, and although she couldn't let it affect her, the glares and flack she was getting from everyone else was getting old, and showing weakness and asking for help wouldn't pull over well. Ainsley easily fixed her eye make up, and didn't even mock her for not being able to do it herself. "You're beautiful, as usual. Kick ass out there for me, yeah?" 

"Don't I usually?" Leigh laughed softly, as she went back to look at herself, making sure that everything else was perfect now. She was glad that they had given her a chance to sing, it was her passion and she could tell her parents that she was a lounge singer easier then a burlesque dancer. Of course she had the skimpy outfits and the provocative dance moves, but people came to see her, and not just half naked. Jesy, the costume designer had appeared to give her the top hat she needed to complete the look. "Forget something super star?" As quickly as her body appeared in the mirror, she was surveying herself, making sure she still looked good before she tended to Leigh Anne, making sure the top hat didn't just completely crush her curls. Jesy was the first person to be kind to Leigh when she got the job here, and she had been here longer than anyone else. She was the reason all the dancers and well, everyone that was affiliated with Bar None looked as amazing as they did. She was a bit more eclectic in her own fashion choices, but she knew how to make anyone look good. "Perfect." She said with a smile, before her eyes went to Ainsley who was trying to tug her boot off without actually untying the whole thing. "What the hell are you doing taking those off? You're on in five." Leigh Anne almost winced, because she knew taking on an extra shift would not sit well with the girl, but she opted to excuse herself before she had to sit through the exclamation of "not a-fucking-gain!" broke through the air.

She went to stage left, where she would wait for the curtain to close before she would take her position at the top of the winding stair case that had been built for the stage. She loved this stage more than most people that worked here did, it was her first chance. It would always be more important to her. She tried to get a peek at the crowd, see how full of a house she was facing today when a voice caught her attention.  "Lookin good Pinnock." She turned to see Niall smirking from his spot leaned up against the wall, a smirk on his face and a beer in his hand. Typical. She laughed as she struck a quick pose. "Why thank you Mr. Horan." Another squawk of 'five minutes people!' Made her roll her eyes, but also cross her arms. "What are you doing down here? I thought you were forbidden to leave the soundboard when we're live." Niall was the one who made sure the set lists flowed and were remixed perfectly, and he rarely trusted anyone else to help him, let alone man it themselves. It was one of the few things he was actually serious about. "Meh, just got a call and had to give you a heads up. They're changing your set list." He handed her the paper, chuckling slightly at the way she snatched it. "Don't shoot the messenger babe. Good luck." He wished her before heading back up to the booth. "That's bad luck" she mumbled as he left, her eyes raking over the set list. There weren't a lot of changes, but some of the songs she didn't have as much practice on, and it was a Saturday night. If she messed this up, she'd lose her prime spot, and he worked way too hard for that. She huffed, trying to replay the words to the song in her head. "You got this Leigh, you got it." She bounced on her toes for a moment, trying to hype herself up. Minor changes. She could do this. The lights went off and more girls scattered off the stage, some not bothering to even try to avoid her as they shoved past. She furrowed her brow and went to the middle of the stage, climbing the stairs as quietly as she could manage in her jimmy chos. This was the third month that she was doing this, and it was amazing how much of a rookie she could feel right before the lights were on. But as soon as they flashed on, and the curtain opened, and the crowd was focused on her... She was the diva she was supposed to be. 

The purple tinted lights shown down on her, giving new type of vibe through the club, one Leigh Anne had to establish. She posed on the top of the stairs, her back arched and her leg hanging over the railing, the costume jewlery hanging heavy on her wrists as her hands ran over her skin as she started to croon out the words to the sing "Primadonna girl, yeah" She kicked her leg up and back over the railing, making her way down the stairs slowly, "all I ever wanted was the world." Her voice was deep and smooth and despite the fact that there was a full bar in the back, the crowd stayed silent, fixated upon her. "Can't help that I want it all," she put on an innocent expression as her hands went down her sides, following the curves her silver corset hugged. "the Primadonna life the rise and fall." She kept her back straight as a male performer came from behind her, picking her up and seating her on his shoulder, spinning with her for a turn before she leaned backwards and he flipped her down safely. "You can say I'm kinda difficult, but it's always someone else's fault," as she sang she sat on the floor, laying out with a pout on her red lips, before it turned into a devilish smirk as her body curled up, her ass showcasing itself prominently, a move she can thank shakera for actually. "got you wrapped around my finger babe, you can count on me to misbehave." With a wink she was swept up by another male performer, bridal style as the tempo started to pick up. This is where things got more fun, easy going and it was easier to be sexy when she was allowed to smile and be playful. The crowd was eating it up, and this, this is what she lived for. 

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