Chapter 6: To Ouran Academy

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Previous chapter:

In the apartment, their dad was talking to his wife frame.
Haruhi was doing her homework.
And Mae was sleeping peacefully, but she didn't notice a bite of a bat was disappear to her neck.
Her whole body was glowing until it faded.
"Good job, my pet you make her like us," The shadow said to his pet.
"Sweet dreams my little Mae-" the shadow said and disappear.

Next morning.

Mae's POV

I woke up, I looked at the clock
Good morning to me.
I walk at the bathroom, washing my face.
I looked at the mirror, my hair was messy. I showered, I comb my hair.
I looked at the tips of my hair. It's brown red.
I didn't know when I colored my hair.
It's like a natural.

I bite my tongue, it taste blood .
I open my mouth I see my tongue is bleeding and I have.... fangs.
My eyes widened.
"AHHH" I screamed.
I fell on the chair
Why do I have fangs, Am I a... no it can't be, I am a vampire?
Wh-hat sh-could I-I do? D-ad and-and Onee-Chan wi-will scared at me!
I remember the baby bat was flying away.
I looked at the mirror and I don't see a bite.
I don't see any bite.

I hear the footsteps going louder.
The door opened. And it's Onee-Chan.
"What happened are you okay?" She said in worried,
"I'm okay Onee-Chan!" I grinned at her but deep inside, I'm panicking.
"Okay," she said simply.
"Onee-Chan I'm going to school with you!" I said happily.
"What? You enrolled in Ouran?" She yelled.
"Yeah" I said rubbing my neck.
"Well, I'm gonna take some shower" she quickly said ,she she opened the curtain.
"Don't!" I yelled but it's to late.
The sun was hitting us,she closed the door.

She didn't notice my fangs.
And why I didn't hurt in the sun?, I know that vampire is dying when it hit the sun.
I think it hard.
"Creepy" I mumbled.
"Mae! Our breakfast!" Onee-Chan said.
"Okay!" I said and wear my uniform in the middle school

"Okay!" I said and wear my uniform in the middle school

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I pick my things and go to the kitchen.
I see Onee-Chan dressed in males uniform while eating a bacon and egg.
"Where's dad?" I said eating some of it.
"He is on the work now" Onee-Chan said.
I quickly eat the food.
"We better to go now" she said.
I stood and clean the dishes.
We exited on the apartment, Onee-Chan locked it.

We walked a minute, we are in front of the big gate.
Wow it's so big! And it's color pink?
Onee-Chan walked but I stayed on spot, she looked at me.
"Why?" She said.
"Onee-Chan, I think I'm nervous!" I nervously said.
"No, I will not anyone hurt you ok?" She said she embraced me.
"Thanks" I said happily.
We walk inside the gate.

I saw people are staring at us.
"Oh it's Haruhi-kun! He is handsome as ever." The girls said.
"Who's that girl? Why she is so closed on Haruhi?" Another girl whispering.
Don't listen to them, just ignore.
"Onee-Chan, I have to go to office!" I whispered to her.
"I accompanied you Mae!" She said.
We walked again and we reached the office.

I knocked three times.
"Come" the voices said.
I open the door, I went inside.
"Um excuse me Mister! Can I have my schedule?" I said shyly.
"You are Mae Erra? Nice to meet you!" He said in happily tone.
"I'm Souh, here's your schedule! He said.

I handled my schedule.
"Thank you" I said and bow.
"And here your that the newest uniform, you will be the first wearing it, It's free!." He handle me a blue uniform .
"Thank you again Mr. Souh!" I said happily.
"Bye !" I said happily.
Cute I hope that uniform fitted to her.
"Thank you Mister Souh!" I blushed what he said.

I see his shocked face.
Did she read my mind?
What? I read His mind? No way!
I closed the office's door, Onee-Chan was waiting me.
I handled her a schedule.
She looked it after she finished reading it, she folded the paper.
"So what? We have the same classes?"
She smiled at me.

"Really!?" I said in excited tone because Onee-Chan will be my classmate too.
"Yes, let's go to the class before it start" she drag me to our classroom.
Onee-Chan entered to the classroom, I stayed at the door.
The guy teacher is about the age 28 was in front of me, looking at me.
"Are you a new student, Mae Erra" he said in soft voice.
Our sensei is a young guy?
I nodded at him, he chuckled.
"I'm Akio Hansuke, nice to meet you,"
He smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you too Akio-sensei!" I smiled back.
"Please stay here a little and the classes will start soon, there is a chair, you can seat there" he said pointing the chair.
"Thank you sensei," I bowed to him.
He entered the classroom, I seat in the chair.
I hear sensei was announcing that there was a new student.
The door opened signaling me to go inside.
I gulped before enter.
Father of heaven, please make my day nice.

I was inside the room, all the students starting at me.
"She will introduce herself after that, you can ask any question to her" sensei said.
He looked at me,
"Introduce yourself Mae" he said.
I nodded and looked at the students.
"Good morning everyone! I'm Mae Erra Fujioka, Haruhi's little sister," I blushed and quickly bowed.

"Please take care of me!" I said shyly.
"WHAT HARUHI'S SISTER!!!" They shouted while looking at Me and Onee-Chan.
Onee-Chan walked beside me and spoke.
"Please take care my Lil sis" she hug me.
The girl squealing while the boys are blushing at us.

"Ok next, raised your hands if you have a question," Akio-sensei said.
For the Q&A.
The half of the students raised their hand. I looked at their I.D
I choose the girl in the 5th row.
"Are you Haruhi's sister?" She said shyly.
"Yes, I'm Onee-Chan sister Akira-Chan!" I exclaim happily.
"Kawai" the group of girls said.
"Mmm, Lets see" I pointed the boy in the 3rd row.
"Are you single?" He while blushing.
" No I don't have,I'm just a single Akito-kun," I smiled at him.
He and the student blushed hard.
And I don't see anyone was raising their hands
Maybe they was to know I'm just a single.
"Since you know, Mr. Fujioka, you will seat at front of him" sensei said.
I never thought that she is being called him.

I chuckled and turn to sensei.
"Thank you sensei" I said, walking to the seat where sensei assigned.
The whole discussion I was listening, I feel someone staring at me but I ignored it.
I was being called by our sensei in Math, to answer the hard question in the blackboard.

I stood up, going to the front of it.
I solve it very swiftly and clear.
I turned around to sensei
"Done" I said happily.
I looked at ny classmates they were shocked, even Onee-Chan.
I turn back to seat, listening again to the teacher.

I senses that someone is pissing off now, I looked at round and I see the twins poking Onee-Chan.
The bell rang for our lunch. I walked to Onee-Chan.
"Hello!" I the twins said in unison.
Perfect harmony
"Hi" I waved at them.
"Onee-Chan who are them?" I said to 'him'.
"I'm Hikaru~" the left one said.
"I'm Kaoru~" the right one said.
"We are the Hitachiin twins!" They introduced to me.

I smiled at them.
"Hey Onee-Chan, they're member of the club?" I whispered to 'him'. 'He nodded'
"Excuse me Mr. Hitachiin, can I borrowed 'him' because I want 'him' and me to be alone this lunch please!" I pick every word to say.
"Okay!, in one condition, you will go to our club, Okay?" They said.
"Thank you!" I hugged them, I see the blush on their cheeks. I was embarrass what I did.
"Gomen" I quickly bowed at them
I hold my Onee-Chan's sister, we walk away to them.

"So where are we eating?" Onee-Chan looked at me.
"Ummm lets see, in the Sakura tree!" I jumped up and down.
Onee-Chan hugged me.
"You know, I can't control myself in your cuteness"
"Let's go" she said while dragging me down
"Kawai" the girl squealed in behind of us.

To be continued...

Hi po to my fellow readers!!
I'm very thankful that you always reading my story
I know each chapter is too short for me and to you.
I will try my best,
I don't own the OHSHC and all pictures
And Belated Merry Christmas to all!!


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