First Meet

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Your pove
Now my throat feels a bit better.And today is Saturday and maybe I can make Nela happy.Maybe shopping cause she like's shopping some skirt...... nah,I don't like shopping.

Before I can think of something else my phone rang.It's my dad who calling me.

Me - Hello dad
Hello (y/n) can you
come to my office - dad
Me -Of coures
dad see you
at your office

After I ended the call,I started to wear my sneakers and started to walk to the road.I was thinking,would Nela ever forgive me?Why is she so childishly.

Then I saw the fedora guy again.Is he following me?Just put that away (y/n), you need to focus on how you would apologize to Nela.She is an unforgiving person.How did I befriend with her?

A few minutes later I almost reach my dad's work.And I saw a limo drove pass me and then splash me with a puddle beside's me."How dare you make my shirt wet!" I said and take out your shoe and throw it at the limo.

Then a redhead guy....Wait a minute the fedora guy is gone and the redhead guy face is the same as the fedora guy earlier.The red hair guy shouted at me."Hey what are you doing crazy woman !" I froze a minute and run away "Hey where I you going!I'm not finish with you yet!"

I reach to the building and run to the counter."What can I help you."The lady said.She has blonde hair and pink eye.

(A/N:You know who it is right?)

"Where is Mr.(F/N) office."I said to the girl.I looked at her nametag and it was 'Yui'.She smiled and take a note and a pen."You must be his daughter.Let me draw it for you." She lend me the note.I run to the elevator and follow the insturction.
______Skip Time cause I am lazy______

I tell my dad about everything that just happend to me and he laugh."Dad!I'm serious okay!" "Hahaha that's why I told you to be a feminim girl but you won't listen." Then the door slam open and reveal the boy that I just met.

I quickly look away and cover my face with my shirt that is wet.I can't see them but I can hear what they said until my father called my name "(Y/N) this is Ayato and Ayato this is (Y/N)." I turn around and uncover my face.He was shock so I quickly shake his hand and turn back.

"(Y/N) this guy is gonna be your bodyguard and you have to go to the same school as him."My father suddenly spoke which I look at him."But wh-.""Cause I'm going to New York for my work".He said "Bu bu b-.""No buts and you will be sent home with him." I was totally shock cause my dad just give me to a stranger.

-------------------Skip Time by Me--------------
I went to my bedroom and sigh.Now I have to transfered to another but the worst part is...the school start at 8 pm.
What did I do to deserve this.Well atlest the boy is cut-(Y/N)! What the hell are you thinking!Hah I must rest first and think about it tomorrow.
Sorry I'm super lazy these month cause I have exams.Uggh I really hate school.Don't forget to comment and vote.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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