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Soon Mayra's name was called and she entered the interview room. She was asked basic questions like her schooling, interests, achievement, scholarship, previous softwares designed by her, computer languages and programming she knows,e.t.c. The panel was impressed by her qualifications and grades, seeing how she has vast knowledge at such a young age, they asked her to wait for their call regarding selection.

Mayra happily went back home, picking burgers for herself and her mom from their favourite food joint. "Mom, I'm home" Mayra shouted while opening the door. "Mayra honey, how was your interview?" Anju asked, wiping her wet hands in a towel. "It was good, mom. But you know I met a jerkhead today. That man was so full of himself, I've never seen such a self-obsessed person". "Really, who was he?"asked Anju. "I don't know mom, anyways I got your favorite burger, let's eat."

After talking to her mom for a while, Mayra went upstairs and conference called her three besties. Riya and Varun are kindergarten friends of Mayra whereas Rahul joined the trio in college. "Hey Mayra, how was your interview?, Mayra, how have you been?, Mayra, I missed you!" Shouted Varun, Rahul and Riya simultaneously making Mayra laugh. "Chill guys! I'm great, interview was quite good and I missed you all sooo much. How have you all been? Rahul, did you talk to your parents? And Varun what's up with this new hairstyle? I just checked your recent click in Facebook!" replied Mayra.

"Mayra, I don't know how to talk to them. There's no way they're gonna approve of this. You know how orthodox my family is, and me being gay is something they'll never understand. Moreover they'll disown me. So, it's better they themselves find out. Why should I cut short my peaceful days?" Rahul replied slowly. "But Rahul, are you really sure you're not straight?" This time it was Riya who was talking in a little sad tone.
"Of course Riya, do you think I'm joking here?"was Rahul's reply. "Alright guys, let's not argue about this and Rahul, I think you should talk to your parents and try to make them understand. There's still hope, they might understand if you yourself tell them everything"suggested Mayra." Ok Mayra,I'll think about it, thank you guys for supporting me."

"And my new hairstyle.. it's just something I experimented. Don't you guys like it? I can change it again!" All three laughed at Varun. That's how he is, the mood lifter of their group, Varun is quite funny and knows how to cheer his friends. Soon they bid their goodbyes and disconnected the call on a happy note.

Next couple of days passed in a blur, everyone busy in their own lives. It was Saturday and Mayra and her friends had planned a movie day followed by shopping. While Mayra was waiting at the mall's entrance for her friends, she received a call from an unknown number.

"Hello, May I speak to Ms. Mayra Malhotra?" Asked a sweet voice from the other end. "Yes, its Mayra speaking."
"Hello Ms. Malhotra, we are calling from Singhania Group of Industries and this is to inform you that you have been selected for the position of Chief Software Developer. And you are expected on Monday,i.e. 1st of September at 9:00am. for orientation."

"Really? I mean wow.. Thank you so much. I was waiting for the call and I'll be there on time." Said Mayra in a excited tone. "Have a nice day Ms Malhotra" saying this, the line got disconnected. Mayra was jumping in excitement, when Varun, Rahul and Riya came and asked her the reason for her excitement. "Guys, I've got the job. My dream job, now I'll be working for the best software developing company. I'm so happy guys." They all congratulated Mayra and group-hugged.

"It calls for celebration and Mayra,it's your treat" Varun said in a childish way. They headed towards McDonald's and continued their celebration.

So, here's the next chapter guys. I'm so so sorry for late update. I'll try to update at least once a week. So how are you all doing. And guys at least vote for the chapter so that I know who my readers are.
Thanks to anjy1988 for being the first person to vote on first chapter. Thank you so much anjana.
And special thanks to avilashaparashar for being so supportive, voting,commenting and encouraging me to write often . <3

Guys, please VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE and point out if theirs any mistake, till then, take care.

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