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It was 8:50a.m., Monday, when Mayra parked her car in the parking lot of Singhania Group of Industries. She prayed to God before exiting the car since it was her first day in her dream company.

Entering the lavish building, she went towards the same cheerful receptionist, Sonia,her nameplate read. "Excuse me, where's the orientation for Chief Software Developer?" Asked Mayra. " Oh hi, you must be Mayra Malhotra. You're supposed to report to Mr Singhania. He himself conducts orientations in room 1904, 19th floor. And I'm Sonia" Sonia extended her hand for a shake which Mayra happily accepted. "Your orientation starts in exactly 5 mins,so rush. Mr Singhania doesn't entertain late comers." "Alright, see you" Mayra rushes towards employees elevator to find it closing on her face and leaving.

She sighs and keeps looking at the screen to find the elevator halting at several levels. A few minutes pass, and she finally gets into the elevator. By the time she reaches room 1904, it's 9:04a.m. She prays while knocking on the door. A rough, masculine voice, that somehow sounds familiar says 'come in' in a stern voice. She opens the door and find the same dark eyes staring at her. As realization hits her, she gulps audibly and looks around to see four more people sitting there, at chairs infront of Mr Singhania's desk.

Mayra closes her eyes and when she opens them, she squares her shoulders confidently, walking towards the table, she says "Good morning, I'm Mayra Malhotra and I'm here for orientation of Chief Software Developer".
On the other hand, Shaurya, who was already pissed off thinking how can someone be late on their first day to office, gets all the more annoyed when he finds the same mannerless girl from other day is the new Chief Software Developer. He couldn't avoid the fact that she was looking breathtaking even with that frown plastered on her face. He notices how quickly she composes herself and walks towards them confidently, introducing herself.

"Good morning Ms Malhotra, May I please know what kept you busy on your first day?" Shaurya asked keeping a straight face. Mayra gulped audibly and replied, "Sorry Sir, it took me time to find this room, it won't happen again".

"Alright, so Ms Mayra, since you're the Chief Software Developer, these four interns will work under you. They're specialized in their fields and I hope the five of you together, will develop better softwares. You all will be working on 15th floor, that floor is well equipped with everything you'll need to perform your job" Shaurya says all this looking intently into her eyes, eyes that he find so mesmerizing.

He was broken from this trance when Mayra replies, making eye contact with him, "Thank you Sir, I'll give my best to the company. I hope we achieve great heights together."

"Alright, you'll are dismissed. My assistant , Mrs Smith will show you your offices. You can ask her if you need anything", saying this he storms out of the room. All five of them release their breath, which they didn't realize they were holding.

I'm so so so sorry guys, I'm updating after months. I've just been a lazy ass.. I know it's a very small update, but something is better than nothing, right?

I promise I'll update soon now.. so guys please read this chapter, vote, comment and share! And yes please do vote, so that I can know my readers..
Have a goodnight, lovely people!

And and and, kindly suggest cast for this story..!

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