Chapter 3

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You bluntly looked outside the window. You weren't really paying attention on the teacher. You looked at a group of boys at the field. 'P.E..' You thought. You sighed before turning your head to look at the teacher. 'Seriously.. What such a pain in the ass..' You hated P.E , in particular. It's not that you were bad at it. You hated it because it reminds you of volleyball. And on top of that , gym class is next. 'Probably gonna skip the P.E..'


"I'm not going." "(M/N)!" Ren yelled at you. "It's P.E , (M/n). P.E!" "You ignored the brunette. Seconds after that , you heard someone laughing at you. You turned to see a blonde laughing at you. "Haa?!" "Ah. It''s nothing...actually...pffttt.." Tsukishima laughed. "What's your deal?!" You asked. "You got guts , skipping your first P.E in highschool. "It's none of your damn business." You almost snapped , but still trying to hold back.

"Still , it's amazing~, Utsui-kun~" Tsukishima waved at you. "See you in gym class~." He said before heading off with his partner. "Tch.." "So.. you're going or not?" Ren asked. "I won't let that damn four eyes mock me!" You stated before standing , slamming your table. You walked away angrily. "Guess that a yes..?" Ren said before catching up to you.


"Today we're going to play volleyball." You groaned at the statement. 'Why volleyball?!' You could hear some boys cheering. You looked at Ren , who seemed excited to play. "Okay! Split in teams!" The teacher said.

You played unwillingly. You didn't get tosses , but you still hated recieving. Well , it's part of volleyball , too. And finally , your team gonna face the other flawless team. You groaned at how unfair it was. The other team had Tsukishima with them. You glared at him when you were face to face with him during the game. "You seem to dislike volleyball." Tsukishima told you. "I hate it." You stated. "But those were some nice recieves." You tsk-ed at Tsukishima's words. "I won't lose." "I'm not the type who'll lose that easily.. even when it comes to volleyball!" You said. "Careful. I play volleyball."

The whistle sound marked the beginning of the game. Your classmate served the ball and was recieved by the guy from the other team. Tsukishima then covered for him , which you saw him particularly sucks at recieving. The ball went across the net , which made it your team's chance ball. Ren recieved it and the ball went to the setter of your team. "Give it to me!" You shouted before jumping in position to spike the ball. You can barely see the view of the other side , since Tsukishima already in position to block the ball.

"I hate volleyball." You muttered , but loud enough to let Tsukishima hear you. "But I hate losing even more." You stated before you swing your hand and hitting the ball hard. Tsukishima failed to block it and the ball hit the floor hard. Tsukishima looked at you in surprise. You glared at him. "Heh. Not bad."

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