Chapter 19

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"Please treat me well." You said and then bowed. After a few moments, you raised your head and your eyes met Ushijima's.

All you could think that time was on how interesting the whole practice with Shiratorizawa is gonna be.

(Plays music in the background)

"Wakatoshi-kun, bring (M/n)-kun to Washijou-sensei." Saitou said. Ushijima looked at the assistant coach and nodded, before looking at you. You nodded before following your brother towards a bench, where you saw a middle age man with some other players. "Coach." The man looked at you and gestured you to come closer. "I'm Utsui (M/n). It's a pleasure to meet you." You introduced yourself, trying not to be rude. "I'm Washijou Tanji, the head coach."

"As you are invited to our training, I wish to see your improvement after all of our practices." You raised an eyebrow at the statement. "So this won't be the only practice I have with you guys?" "Of course! So, everyday after school finishes, you need to come here. And please keep in mind that we have practice on weekend too." You mentally groaned at the mention of weekend practice. "I might consider about putting you in our future practice game with Fukurodani depends on your improvement." You nodded with a low 'yes' before Washijou told you to warm up.

After finished warming up, a group of players came towards you. Ushijima stop infront of you. "As you are going to practice with us, I think you need to know at least the starter line.." Ushijima stopped and then looked at a male who somehow reminded you of Sugawara, before looking back at you. "..and also our important players."

And then, a man with red, spikey hair raised his hand. "Me! Me!" Everyone looked at the said male. "I'm Tendou Satori, third year middle blocker." Then, everyone set their eyes on the 'benkei' next to Tendou. "Ohira Reon, third year, wing spiker." "Shirabu Kenjirou, second year setter." Then, your eyes stopped at the male who stood beside Shirabu, the male Ushijima looked at earlier. "Semi Eita, third year..." He stopped for a while. "..Pinch server." Everyone sighed at his statement. "Eita." Ushijima spoke up, and there was a slight guilty look in Semi's eyes as he looked down. "And also setter." Everyone nodded and proceeded to the next person. "Kawanishi Taichi, second year middle blocker." "Goshiki Tsutomu, first year. I'm the future ace of Shiratorizawa!" Everyone rolled their eyes at the bowl cut hair male. "He means wing spiker." Reon said. "I'm Yamagata Hayato. Third year libero."

After that, everyone set their gazes on Ushijima. "Ushijima Wakatoshi, third year, captain. Feel free to refer to me if you need help." You stared right into the older's eyes. "Utsui (M/n). First year wing spiker. Please treat me well." You said. The air tensed and you could feel the gazes on both you and Ushijima. "I'll make sure to show you my strength here." You added. Ushijima looked down on you. "Let's see you do that."

Practice started as everyone was required to do serves. You observed Ushijima serve, who was across the net. He pointed at you before served the ball probably aiming the ball at you. You stood in a steady position, ready for the ball that was probably coming at you. Ushijima threw the ball into the air, ran forward and jumped high, before smacking the ball as hard as he could. The ball came towards you, or to be exact, to the right away from you. You moved your arm to recieve it. The ball hit your arm, producing a loud sound as it distracted everyone's attention but sadly you weren't able to perfectly recieve the ball.

Everyone looked at you as the gym echoed with silence. You looked down. "You fool!" A voice shouted. It was Washijou. "If you're gonna recieve it, then recieve it perfectly." You raised your head. "One more time."

Ushijima smirked and then did another serve, which you assumed stronger than before. You predicted where the ball was going to, and then took two steps to your left before putting up your hand. The ball perfectly landed on your arm, before it went straight close to the net, where a setter would probably be waiting.

Everyone widen their eyes at your perfect recieve. The starters smirked, as if they just took over a set of a game. Washijou smirked at the sight, excited on how the future practice gonna be.


You walked out of the shower and head towards the changing room. When you arrived at the said location, you saw some familiar faces, which happened to be the players you met earlier. "Ah, (M/n)." Reon greeted. You froze at your place and bowed a little before stepping into the room. You walked over to a bench, where your bag was located.

"That was some amazing recieves earlier, (M/n)~!" Tendou said, as you looked at him with your poker face on, and then muttering a low 'thank you'. "Say, (M/n)." Semi suddenly spoke up. Everyone looked at him, except for you. "I've been wondering about this.." You put on your shirt as you still paid attention to what the setter was about to say. "And it has been bothering me for a while."

"It's Wakatoshi.. Who suggests you to Coach Washijou." Semi said as he took of his clothes, before turning his head to look at you. "Just who are you to Wakatoshi?" You kept silent for a moment, after that breathed out a sigh. "Maybe he saw my school's game before, and then he saw something about me that catches his attention. Who knows?" You said, looking straight into Semi's eyes. "Is that enough to answer your question?"

Semi chuckled and looked away. "You're right. I shouldn't be thinking about it too much." "What? Sem-" Shirabu wanted to protest, or maybe had something to say to Semi, but Kawanishi stopped him. "Don't." Shirabu tch-ed. "Then, I'll be leaving." You said, putting on your jacket and grabbed your bag. "See you tomorrow."

Soon after you left, Shirabu spoke up. "Semi-san! You know that he was lying!" "I know." Semi said, putting on his shirt. "Let them be. They won't spill it out. Well, at least for now."

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