Special Chapter : Thicker Than Water

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I was born as the second child of the Ushijima family, but due to some circumstances, I was named after my father, who was married into the family. Needless to say, my brother who is two years older than me, is favoured by everyone in my family, and I, too, used to look up to him.

You see, my father was a volleyball player, so naturally my brother is influenced by him and played volleyball from a very young age. They used to play together all the time in our backyard, and I used to watch them with so much admiration. I wanted to be like them, too. But as much as my whole family loved my brother, it was as much as them hating my whole presence.

"Mommy, can I play with daddy and onii-chan?" (M/n), who was barely five at the time, asked his mother. "Not untill you finish all your works." His mother sternly said. "But mommy-" "No buts." His mother cut him off. "The faster you finish your works, the faster you can play." (M/n) looked down, a sad pout adorned his features, and yet still obeyed his mother. "Not like they would even want you being there." His mother whispered, went unheard by the young, innocent male.

By the evening, when the sun was about to set, (M/n) had finally finished all his works. He excitedly ran to the backyards, where both his father and brother were playing volleyball. "Daddy! Onii-chan! Can I play volleyball, too?" The five years old asked. His father squinted his eyes at the little boy, who was looking up to them with so much adoration, completely clueless about the cruel world.

"Say, Wakatoshi. Why don't we take a walk in the garden, just the two of us?" His father had said, at which had (M/n) frown in dissapointment. "Eh.. You finished playing already? That's too bad.." The little boy said. "Yeah. You could still play alone, though." The father said, passing his youngest son the volleyball before walking off in a direction with his other son.

(M/n) stared at the ball in his hand, then bumping his head on the ball, huffing rather loudly. "If I want to play with daddy and onii-chan, I need to get better!" Is what the little boy said to himself.


"It's raining.." (M/n) mumbled to himself. He had finished all his works earlier and he thought that he might have some time to play with both his father and his brother. But much to his dismay, it was raining pretty heavily. Then, his mother walked inside the room.

"Mommy! Where's daddy and onii-chan?" (M/n) asked, noticing their lack of presence. "I think your dad took your brother to the gym. Playing volleyball, I guess." His mother said, not aware of how (M/n)'s expression almost instantly fell. "Why didn't they tell me? I wanna go too!" (M/n) whined almost desperately. "Don't you dare raise your voice at me, young man. If you got any problem with that, tell your father." His mother said, not even sparing one glance at her son.

Then (M/n) burst out of the room.

Maybe then I realised, if I wanted to get stronger, I only have myself to depend on.

"We're home!" His father had shouted when both him and Wakatoshi reached home after spending their time at the gym. It was raining outside, so his father had decided to take Wakatoshi to the gym to play volleyball together. "You're back?" His mother greeted them.

Wakatoshi sneezed. He might had caught a cold.

"Wakatoshi, are you sick? This must be because your father took you out even in the heavy rain. You should have looked after him properly." His mother said, the last sentence aimed at his father. "I'll get you some medicine. Go wait in the living room, okay?" Wakatoshi nodded as he walked to the living room with eyes wandering around.

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