Part 1: just a recap

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Realizing that she was in love with one of her oldest friends was an extremely strange feeling. When exactly had it started? She hadn't felt the beginnings of it, she didn't think. It was just...there. Waiting for her to finally notice.

She had known him since she had first fallen. Since Frisk was only ten years old, too terrified to speak, hunched in on herself and forced to march alone through the mysterious Underground. The rest of the Underground was not like the Ruins. It was dead silent, cold, and dark. Immediately, Frisk wanted to turn back. She wanted the warmth of Toriel's home, she wanted the small cozy bed and the room that would be hers. Frisk had a terrible, unshakable feeling that she wouldn't survive here. Just like Toriel had said.

Upon leaving the Ruins, upon leaving Toriel, Frisk had been more scared and heartbroken than ever. She should have stayed with the kind goat woman. She should have let Toriel be her mother. Yet something was tugging her forward-she needed to get home.

Little did she know that the Underground would become her home.

After several infinite minutes of walking through the new, scary place, she met him. He turned out to actually be the second friendly face she had met upon her fall, though she was sure he wished her harm at first. When she had heard his voice, sending Arctic waves of terror down her skin, Frisk thought for sure that she was going to die. She began to tremble without a sound.

When she had somehow managed to turn around and stick out her hand as he had demanded, eyes scrunched tight against a violent end, an unexpected noise assaulted her. Was that...a whoopie cushion? Frisk's eyes flew open and fixed on the rubbery object she had made contact with. It was noisily letting out air as it was squeezed between her hand and the hand of the stranger, making a very rude and exaggerated sound indeed.

The stranger began to laugh-probably the goofiest laugh Frisk had ever heard in her short decade of living. It was a short series of snorts and chuckles that somehow made her fear dissipate; in fact, the laughter was so ridiculous that immediately she wanted to laugh too.

"Ah, the old whoopie-cushion-in-the-hand trick," the stranger managed to say through his laughter. Frisk slowly retracted her hand from his, and jumped a little-his fingers were bone. Letting her eyes travel upward, taking in slipper-bound feet, basketball shorts, and a blue hoodie that was fuzzy on the inside, she eventually found his face. Frisk barely restrained a gasp. He was a skeleton! Her first instinct was to again be frightened, but he grinned widely at her.

And that was how she met Sans.

From that moment in the dark forest outside of Snowdin, they started to form a great bond. Frisk and Sans became fast friends. Soon after, she met Sans' younger brother, Papyrus-who she had a series of odd and often embarrassing misunderstandings with, including a very peculiar date-who she grew to love as well. Together with her friends the Skeleton Brothers and a few others she had bonded with along the way, Frisk became the Underground's hero, breaking the seal that had kept all the monsters hidden away for so long.

King Asgore and Toriel adopted her and loved her like she was their own flesh and blood, and Frisk lived happily with her friends in the Underground while monsters were slowly making their way to the surface to walk amongst humankind once more. It was a good life. Frisk loved it here. She was nineteen now, and had traveled to almost every corner of the Underground, making friends and spreading her own kind of infectious optimism wherever she went.

Of course, the Underground was emptying. More and more monsters were making their way to the surface now that peace with the humans had been made, and Frisk knew that eventually she would have to go Up. The thought scared her. She had spent half of her life here, how could she go back to something she barely remembered? But she knew her friends would be with her and a home was ready for her when she got Up There. That was a comfort, at least. Still, the realization that she would never see this place again lingered in her mind, sometimes keeping her awake at night.

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