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Boots trudging through the fluffy snow, Frisk took pause in front of Sans' and Papyrus' front door. She hadn't texted beforehand; were they even home? It was late enough that Papyrus would be, but Sans liked to wander... She shuffled her weight back and forth as she hesitated, reaching up to tug her ponytail tighter. Would she lose courage now if Sans turned out to be gone? Ugh. This was ridiculous. Channeling Undyne's unflinching and often terrifying courage, Frisk rang the doorbell.

Faintly, she heard an upbeat song that Papyrus loved echoing through the house, letting the occupants know that someone was there. He and Sans fought constantly over what the doorbell should play, but apparently Papyrus was currently king of the game. Speaking of, the front door swung open to reveal Frisk's second favorite skeleton.

"FRISK!" he shouted cheerfully. "HOW NICE OF YOU TO DROP BY. I WAS JUST HEADED OUT FOR AN INVIGORATING RUN IN THE WINTER AIR!" Papyrus did a little hop up and down to emulate his excitement about this. "WOULD YOU CARE TO JOIN ME?"

"Ah, no thanks, pal." Frisk shook her head. "I'm not nearly as winter-proof as you are. I was just wondering if Sans happened to be home?" She tried not to look too eager. Papyrus rolled his eyes. "YES, HE IS CURRENTLY HERE, ASLEEP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FLOOR. I ASKED HIM TO RUN WITH ME, BUT HE LAUGHED SO HARD HE POPPED HIS LEG OFF AT THE KNEE. LAZY BONES." He grumbled.

She knew that Papyrus' statement was entirely true; that was all very Sans-esque behavior. "He is lazy," she agreed. "Have fun on your run, Pap. I'll see if I can rouse him." Waving goodbye to him, Frisk stepped into the familiar home of the brothers. Welcoming the rush of warmth, she shrugged off her jacket and draped it on the back of the couch. She was alone in the house with Sans. That had happened hundreds of times before, b-but....

Frisk shook her head at her uncertainties. It was just Sans. And she didn't see him anywhere. "Saaaans?" she called out. Well, he wasn't in the middle of the living room floor anymore. Surely he was awake somewhere now. "Get your lazy boney butt out here and say hello!" she teased. She got no response. Frisk was about to give a frustrated sigh when suddenly she felt her muscles lock, and she was tossed forcefully into the air.

Letting out an alarmed shriek, she dangled helplessly upside-down while Sans' familiar blue magic glowed all around her. "Oh hey, what's up? Don't answer that-it's you." Spitting out a mouthful of hair from her ponytail, Frisk glowered at him. "That one was painful, Sans. Your pun game is getting weak." He gasped, putting one hand over his ribcage. "You insult me." He was grinning. "Must be the rush of blood to your head, making you spout such lies. Unfortunately tricky thing, blood." Sans mused as he lowered her to the floor.

Righting herself, Frisk smirked. "Nah, it's your pun game." She gave him a playful shove. "Paps tells me you were avoiding valuable brother-bonding time by passing out in the middle of the floor?"

"As usual," Sans replied casually, flopping onto the couch. "I live with him, how much more bonding does he want from me? I swear on my osteocytes, he's a nonstop blur of get-up-and-go," He complained.

"Aw, poor baby bones." Frisk said sarcastically, getting herself a bottle of water out of the fridge. Because she visited so often, the fridge was stocked with her favorite foods and drinks, too. "But yeah, I think if we hooked Pap up to an energy-generating treadmill, we could do away with the Core and run the Underground off of him alone." That earned her a laugh from Sans' general area.

The beloved sound jump-started her memory, and all at once Frisk remembered why she had come. Nerves shot up her spine, and her heart began to pound. Frisk's water shook in her hand. "Whaddaya feel like tonight, Frisk? Don't think there's much on..." Sans leaned up to grab the remote and began flipping through channels. "Uh, whatever you feel like is fine," She mumbled, walking over to where he was sprawled out. He scooted over for her, and she perched nervously.

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