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The recording reached its end point, leaving silence in her earbuds. Her heart was pounding.

Lying alone in bed, in the comfortable room her dad provided for her whenever she visited the castle, Frisk felt a cascade of emotions. Thrilling excitement. Disbelief that Sans would do something like this. And, most of all, intense arousal. Wow, just...holy hell. That had really perked her up.

When she'd played the recording, the first thing she'd heard were his sweet sentiments about how he missed her, how proud of her he was. It was nice to hear his voice again, though they had just spoken. Phone calls were live, but she could play this recording over and over and get all the comfort that she needed. Thank God for Sans. His words had been adorable and well-needed after an emotionally tiring day.

Frisk had been questioned endlessly for days about how she expected her fellow humans to behave as monsters slowly tried to integrate themselves into more populated areas. Currently, most monsters stuck to the forests surrounding Mt. Ebott, excited about the new world they were in but afraid to venture any further into human territory. She couldn't blame them; just the thought of the Surface made her palms sweat. Ironic that the one maybe most afraid to go Aboveground was the one who had come from there in the first place.

Even though the conferences had been long and made her anxiety sky-rocket at points, Frisk was happy to see Asgore. It had to have been months since they'd been face-to-face, maybe even before she and Sans had started dating. Asgore had been kept endlessly busy since Frisk destroyed the Seal that had kept all monsters hidden away for so long. But even if he was always busy, he had still taken the time to be there for her during her childhood, and she had a lot of great memories with him.

Asgore had a big heart, which was what made him a great King. And though most viewed him as soft-willed, he was not without wisdom or strength. Frisk hoped that some of that had rubbed off on her over the years.

Catching up with the man she called Dad had been welcome. They'd sat out in his garden like they always used to, sipping tea and talking about anything and everything that came to mind. Frisk was unafraid to share whatever she wanted with him. Asgore was an incredibly tranquil person, and it put her at ease. Frisk even brought up her relationship with Sans, not at all fearful of a negative reaction.

"Ah, your good friend Sans? Wonderful! I knew there was something between you two." The King's eyes crinkled in a smile. "Have you told your mother?"

Frisk shook her head. "I didn't have to - she found out."

Asgore guffawed. "Of course she did! Nothing can be kept from that woman...she is incredibly keen. Sees right through me whenever I have something difficult to say."

That was so true. Toriel was perceptive as all hell. She had even known about Frisk's crush on Sans before Frisk herself knew.

One day, about a month into dating Sans, she was trying to figure out a way to tell her mother over dinner. Before Frisk could open her mouth, Toriel had calmly asked, "Are you happy that it's been a month for you and Sans?" Frisk's eyes had nearly bulged out of her head.

"I'm your mom; I know everything." Toriel had continued nonchalantly before Frisk could reply, taking a bite of salad.

That was that. They'd continued dinner, talking about the subject like Frisk had never not told Toriel about it.

"I like that young man," Asgore continued after a long sip of tea. "He tells wonderful jokes. There was one about a juggler that left me roaring...oh, goodness, I do admire a well-told pun."

He really did; his dad jokes were catastrophic.

"Heh, you called him 'young man'. Never thought I'd hear that phrase in reference to Sans." Frisk took pause. "He won't tell me how old he is. Says it doesn't matter because skeletons have no naturally occurring deaths and don't age."

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