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She swore she felt her blood freeze over. So this was why her parents had been silent. The task had been passed on to someone more likely to persuade her. Frisk could only stare at him for a moment, her emotions racing. Shock. Fear. Anger. Uncertainty. How could he? He had been so sweet to her, and now this was what he had to offer? Just last night, hadn't she shaken and cried in his arms, terrified of the idea of the Surface? Oh, she was going to tear into him.

But before she could open her mouth to loose a tirade of choice words upon him, he held up a hand. "I know how it sounds, Frisk. Let me explain."

She couldn't bring herself to utter a verbal reply at the moment. The fear of her sense of anger and betrayal getting out of control was too strong.

"I just want to visit it with you. One week, no one but you and me. There's a really nice house waiting up there, Frisk. It's been taken care of all this time and everything. Don't you just want to...test the waters? See what it'd be like? I know you're scared, but... aren't you curious, too?" His eyes were too earnest.

Frisk's pulse was pounding at the mere thought of actually taking those steps out of the place she had known for so long, stepping into the full sun for the first time in over a decade. Seeing the sky. Feeling the breeze. Being exposed. Not being Frisk anymore, but being a tiny, insignificant dot, unseen in the endless face of humanity. She suddenly wanted to cry as well as shout.

At the same time...Sans wasn't wrong. A part of her, buried under the fear, was curious. What kind of life were the emigrated monsters living? Would she get to see old friends who had left for the Surface so long ago? What did her house look like? Did she have a nice yard? Would she have to see humans?

A week alone in a home all her own, with the skeleton she loved. That sounded...Frisk couldn't lie to herself. That sounded wonderful.

Frisk took several deep breaths, trying to calm herself down enough to speak. Sans waited patiently for her to compose herself.

Being in a house on the Surface might not be bad...they could shut the curtains, keep the door closed. Maybe she wouldn't have to see it. Maybe visiting for a week would finally appease her parents. Perhaps she would it. But God, was she scared.

However, Frisk tried not to think about herself. Yes, she was scared of the idea. But looking at Sans, she realized something. He was ready. He had been stuck down here his whole life with no idea what the sun looked like. He had never seen a cloud in real life, or a mountain, or a sea. She thought back to all the conversations they had about the Surface, and recalled the tinge of wonder that would alight on his voice when he spoke of seeing these things. Sans was scared just like she was, but it no longer held him back. Sans wanted to see this, and Frisk loved him dearly. At this point, she would do anything to see him happy.

She had decided. She would do this for him.

"U-um...okay. Okay, let's go." Frisk finally managed to get out, glancing at his face to gage his reaction.

It wasn't disappointing; his face split open in her favorite grin, making her feel like what she was doing would be worth it. Sans was amazing to her, Frisk knew that. With this decision, she would pay him back for it.

The night ended in a whirl of activity. Frisk had to call her parents, who were of course overjoyed ("This is wonderful, but I'm annoyed that you said no to us all these years, young lady"). Papyrus, who had conveniently disappeared when it came time for Sans to ask her, burst into the room once she'd said yes. Turns out he had been hiding out there the whole time...much to their embarrassment.

The packing started almost immediately after her affirmation. It struck Frisk that it was really, actually happening. She was going Up There. Every time she dwelled on it too much, her nerves overcame her and she had to pause in what she was doing to calm herself down. Frisk kept telling herself It's okay, it's just a vacation. You and Sans are just...going out of town for the week.

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