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Frisk's twentieth birthday was an awesome event. Papyrus and Undyne went all out to make her a double-tiered chocolate cake with strawberry frosting, and it was so delicious that it kind of made Frisk wish her birthday came at least once every few months. Toriel got her a device she had brought back from the Surface called a Kindle; she was in love as soon as she turned it on. (Frisk appreciated the gift even more because she knew her mother would have had to go to a human-exclusive town and market to purchase it, and though Toriel made frequent visits Up There, she was still skittish in human-heavy places.) Asgore gifted her with a set of delicate teacups that she had been admiring, and Alphys had found Frisk copies of an anime that she had thought sounded interesting.

Sans held off on giving her his gift, saying that he'd give it to her when they were alone again. Frisk wondered briefly if his second gift would be the same as the one she had received upon waking...and didn't mind the thought in the slightest.

After the house had been swarmed with guests and Frisk had received her gifts, the pack headed down the road to Grillby's. There were other places in the Underground to eat, sure, but this had become a solid birthday tradition. She wasn't bothered at all; Grillby's was probably her favorite restaurant down here. Because of her closeness with Sans, she knew all of the regulars. Hell, she had become a regular herself.

Despite what Papyrus liked to say, the place wasn't greasy or dirty. It was dimly lit (the restaurant's namesake usually being the best source of light), clean, and always buzzing with low waves of conversation. One of the things Frisk loved best about the place was that she could keep up with nearly any topic being discussed. Every group treated her like a friend.

"Birthday girl," Grillby mused softly upon seeing Frisk approach the bar. "Hello."

"Hi, Grillby! How's business?" She asked.

Grillby had been fascinating to her when she was young, but intimidating at the same time. Tall, well-dressed, and very quiet, the man was always polite to her. Still, out of all the monsters she had seen as a child, he was the most flamboyant. He was a fire! Though Frisk knew it was rude to stare, her eyes followed him whenever she visited his bar. He was very bright and hard to look away from, and left a searing imprint on the eyes once he was gone.

Frisk chuckled, remembering that Sans and Grillby had once had a fling. She actually found it quite believable. Actually...the idea of Sans and the tall, hot Grillby getting intimate was not a bad daydream at all. Frisk had always harbored a tiny crush for him.

Once they'd all filed in at the traditional booth, they placed their orders (all except for Frisk and Sans, who had visited so often that their orders were memorized; easier to do because they both got the same thing), and the conversation came to life. It mostly focused on Frisk and Sans' relationship now being out in the open. Undyne loudly claimed that she had known it from the start.

"W-well, you two have always been close. It was only a m-matter of time," Alphys agreed in support of her assertive girlfriend.

Papyrus was outraged that it had been so obvious to them and that he had had to be told.

Frisk didn't say much, content to be there with them all, eating the best burgers in the Underground and trying not to think about meeting with her parents later. There was no use in worrying about it now and getting herself all worked up, she figured. It would happen, just like it did every year. Frisk had tried to make her peace with the idea.

It was a few hours until they left the place, all in good spirits as they parted ways. Frisk kept herself cheerful saying goodbye, but the anxiety was creeping into her mind. While she, Sans, and Papyrus started their walk home, she pulled out her phone. It blinked to let her know there was a message, and her heart sank. That would be her parents, reminding her to stop by. Bracing herself, she opened the message.

Mettaton: Happy birthday, gorgeous! :* So wish I could have been there to celebrate two decades of your loveliness with you. Very busy atm, but your present is on the way! Lots of love, darling! :) :)

Oh. Just Mettaton. That was a relief. Frisk typed back her thank you, always amused by Mettaton's...personality. When she looked up, they had already arrived on the front step. Sans held the door for her, but something was amiss; where had Papyrus gone?

"Where'd Pap go?"

"Oh, he had something he...wanted to do. Just me and you for a while, haha." She noticed him swallow. Sans seemed...nervous. That was odd. A little confused, Frisk nonetheless followed him inside.

The lights were flipped on, revealing the familiar house just as they had left it. Frisk's small pile of presents was still on the kitchen counter. An empty plate and sticky fork had been left behind there as well, while the remainder of the cake was now in the fridge. Sans' jacket was thrown on the back of the couch. It was a comforting sight. After the fear of the annual meeting with her parents had been dispelled, Frisk felt happy, full, and relaxed.

"Want your present now, birthday girl?" Sans smiled at her, eyes still portraying his nerves.

"I wouldn't say no to another gift, cutiebones." She approached him, giving his shoulder bones a teasing squeeze. Fingers slowly trailing to his ribcage, Frisk was fully prepared for a scene similar to the one that had taken place this morning. Would he take her here, on the couch? Or would they manage to make it to the bedroom?

This was not the case. Instead of responding in kind to her touch, Sans grasped her wandering hand and looked at her, stopping it.

Trying not to feel too put out, Frisk asked what was going on.

"I want to give you your gift now." He explained, still holding her hand.

She nodded. "I can tell, Sans. You're practically sweating. What's up?"

"I just...I dunno. I'm nervous. This isn't like the things I got you when we weren't together."

"Sans, I'm sure I'll love it. Go ahead." God, he was making her anxious.

"Alright..." With a shaky exhale, Sans dug for something in the pocket of his sweatpants. A glint of silver flashed in the warm light, and Frisk's heart skipped. Just what was he giving her?

Sans held his hand out for her to see what was in it, and she realized his bones were actually rattling from how he was trembling. What in the world was it-?

Then she realized.

A necklace dangled in the spaces between his metatarsals. The pendant was the brightest blue she had ever seen, enclosed in elegant tendrils of silver reaching up the side of it like vines. (Was it her imagination, or were the colors in the pendant swirling on their own?) Frisk wasn't a huge jewelry fan, but this was the prettiest necklace she had ever laid eyes on.

As she watched, the blue pendant pulsed. Suddenly, the significance of the piercing blue light clicked in her mind. "Sans - oh my God, is that-?"

"It's my magic. A piece of me. All yours now, Frisk. Do you... do ya like it?" The uncertainty in his tone killed her. How could she possibly not?

"It's amazing," she breathed, delicately holding the pendant in her own palm. "How did you do it?"

He shrugged. "It's an ancient enchantment. Took a lot of work, but now I'll be with you no matter what. ...I know we're not apart often, but I hate it when we are. So now you'll always be able to feel me around."

Frisk undid the clasp and slipped the gift around her neck, startled to feel how the small piece of Sans pulsed in the gap between her breasts. It was nowhere near as powerful as the magic he exposed her to when they were making love, but Frisk was so familiar with the way his magic felt that the sensation was unmistakable. It was invigorating on her skin, like his hand over her heart.

"I love it," Frisk told him genuinely, wrapping him in a tight hug. "Thank you so much. You've made this birthday fun when I thought it would have gone to shit by now." She was still a little high from the relief of not having to endure the terrible discussion this year.

Strangely, Sans said nothing. Instead, she felt him take a deep breath. Was he still nervous from giving her the necklace? It was sweet of him to be so concerned, but now she was starting to get scared.

When he finally spoke, she heard him utter something she thought would never, ever come from him.

"Frisk... I want you to come to the Surface with me."

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