Just Laugh

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Baz looked up from his plate, smiling at Simon. The tips of his fangs peeked out from under his lip, and his cheeks puffed out slightly. He looked adorable. Simon smiled back before the realization hit him. This was the first time, in all the seven years of living with him, that he'd seen him smile. Actually smile. Not a sly smirk, not a controlled, calm grin, a true, genuine smile.

"Why don't you ever do that?" he asked. Baz's brows furrowed, "Pardon?" Simon, exasperated, answered, "Smile! I just realized this is the first time in seven years that I've seen you smile." Baz looked at him, his smile now gone. "Gee, I wonder Simon. It's not like my fangs poke through, and my cheeks puff out or anything. If I smiled that often, everyone would know I was a vampire and I'd be expelled from Watford, now wouldn't I?" Simon shifted a bit uncomfortably. "All I was saying is that you look good when you smile."

Baz blushed a bit, but maintained eye contact. "I always look good Snow. That's the difference between us." Simon huffed, "I must look good sometimes if you like me," he gave a poke to his side to emphasize his point.

What he didn't expect was Baz to jerk away so violently. "What was that?" he asked, scooting closer, "None of your business, Snow. Don't touch me again," he warned. Simon's lips curled upward, "No way." Baz narrowed his eyes, "Snow, whatever stupid thing you're thinking, stop it. Get that thought out of your head." Simon couldn't stop smiling, "I can't believe it! You're ticklish!" he exclaimed, reaching out to poke him.

Baz quickly batted the hand away, but Simon didn't let that stop him. Suddenly, he pounced on Baz, pinning him down on his large bed. "Get off of me Snow," Baz demanded, struggling beneath him. Simon smirked down at him, shaking his head. "I don't think so." Baz raised an eyebrow, glaring at the boy above him. "And why the hell not?" Simon just beamed, "Because I wanna hear you laugh." Without further ado, Simon worked his fingers underneath Baz's arms, setting to work in order to make Baz a giggling, incoherent mess. So far Simon's plan was working; Baz was having a difficult time in keeping his laughter in. He bit his bottom lip in an effort to suppress the giggles trying to flow out, but it was futile.

"C'mon Baz, just laugh! You know you want to," Simon prompted, moving his hands down his sides, prodding at his ribs. Baz shook his head, clamping his hands over his mouth to prevent any noises from escaping. Simon was determined, however, and formed a claw with his hand, hovering it over his belly. He smirked down at him, "Are you gonna let me hear your laugh?" he asked. Baz only glared in response. Simon sighed, "Well then, you leave me no choice." He lowered his hand, vibrating it on his stomach.

Baz's hands flew down to grab at his wrists, his laughter flooding out. It was one of the most beautiful sounds Simon had ever heard. It was smooth and rich, and it reminded him of melted gold. And Baz looked so carefree. His head was tossed back in laughter, his normally slicked back hair wildly framing his face. And Simon still couldn't believe that he was actually smiling.

He slowed his hands down to a stop, letting Baz breathe. He smiled down at him, and Baz couldn't help the twitch of his lips as he rolled his eyes and shoved him away. "I really don't understand why you don't smile more Baz." Grey eyes met blue ones, "I look like a bloody idiot when I do. My cheeks puff out like I'm five years old." Simon giggled, "You don't look five! It's actually quite refreshing seeing you not look so serious."

"I still can't risk letting my fangs show," he said. Simon chuckled, "If they didn't believe me when I claimed you were a vampire back then, they won't believe it now, even if they had proof." Simon's eyes wondered downwards a bit, and he stared at a spot on the bed behind Baz. He followed his gaze, rolling his eyes for the millionth time that night and grabbed the plate with a slice of pie on it. "Here."

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