Chapter 26

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2 weeks later

It has been two weeks since Carter and I agreed to start trying for a baby. We agreed to tell no one and when it finally happened, then we would tell everyone together. Of course, there was the added factor that his mum would see it as a way of ensuing that I would always be a part of the Romero family. But as long as we knew the truth behind the pregnancy, that's all that would matter.

In a bid to keep me happy, Carter got the heating in our office fixed and everyone was returning to work today. It was a shame that we would only be back for a total of nine days before the office closes for the Christmas and New Year holidays. Still, something tells me that the amount of work we have to do, will make those short nine days feel like a month.

The time on the diamond Cartier watch I wore on my left wrist, told me that I had only eight minutes to go till I was due to start work at nine. I sigh and turn my attention back out the car window at the slowly traffic that piled up next to us on the road.

Tension filled between Carter and I after the argument we had this morning about how I as going to explain the rings on my finger when I went into work today. He simply told me to tell people that it was none of their business. Seemed like he was use to saying it to those who asked him about the ring on his finger.

"What time do you finish at tonight?" Carter asks, his right hand resting on my left knee and squeezing it just a little.

I turn my attention to him. "If I get all the work done that needs to be done, no doubt about half five."

"Not five?" I shake my head. "I finish at five but I can wait for you in my office till you're done so we can go home in one journey."

"You don't have to do that for me," I sigh, placing my left hand over his right as it lay on my knee.

"I know that as soon as everyone sees the rings on your finger, they will hound you till you tell them. I want to be there when you go home tonight."

I give him a tight lipped smile before going back to look out the window as the top of the office building came into view. Time to be brave.

I walk out the elevator at ten minutes past nine, giving Carter a look that told him everything he needed to know without any words being exchanged - don't worry and I'll see you later. I love you. I take a deep breath as I walk along the newly carpeted reception area and into the open-plan office that was just the same as how it was left – hectic.

"Good morning, Claire," I smile as I reach my assistants desk moments later. "Did you get the files I emailed to you to print off for today?"

Claire smiles and hands me a pile of neatly stapled paper. "Everything's done and your morning coffee is sitting on your desk."

"Thank you." I turn my back to Claire and walk into my office. As soon as the glass door closes behind me, I was no longer Sarah Romero but Sarah Hudson like it said on my office door. I look round my office and sigh. "It feels good to be back."

It was at one thirty in the afternoon that things became interesting. People who had come to see me since I sat down behind my desk, spotted the rings on my finger and wanted to know the juicy details as to what I got up too during our time off. I was the talk of the office for the day which would no doubt last for an entire week.

"Miss. Hudson?" Claire interrupts as soon as I hit send on my current email to the designers. I look up from my computer screen at her as she stands holding my office door open. "You have an urgent phone call from a Mr. Romero."

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