#1 Mr.potato head

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¤Alizabeth P.O.V¤


I slowly opened my eyes looking at my alarm clock and giving it a deadly stare before chucking it into the wall.

Stupid alarm clock.

I went back to sleep till my little sister came into my room and jumped on top of me.

"Wake up" She signed.

My little sister Daisy. She's 9 years old and deaf. Although she's really smart and she's a mini of my mom. It's just me her and my mom. My mom is also deaf however I came out hearing getting it from my dad. He left when I was 10. Haven't seen him since.

"10 more minutes Daisy" I signed back to her looking at her so I could see her sign.

"Mom made peanut butter pancakes" She smiled knowing that caught my attention and my eyes flung open and with that I kissed her on the cheek and went straight to my bathroom.

It's my first day in my new school. We used to live in Virginia but my Mom wanted to start a fresh new life meaning she wanted to get away with anything that involved my Dad. I didn't really have a problem with it I never liked my school or the people because it was just full of annoying obnoxious girls with 10 pounds of make up on. I literally was in 5 fights in my old school. However this year I just want to hang low.

"Morning sweetheart" My mom signed as I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning Mom". I signed back before kissed her on the cheek and grabbed a few pancakes while heading to put on my shoes.

I'm wearing a light pink shirt and light blue jeans and paring it with white converse pretty simple. The shirt brings out my pink hair.

"Are you excited for school" My mom signed while coming into the living room with my bookbag I forgot about.

"Not really you still have a chance to home school me just so you know." I signed to her with sad eyes. She knows how much I despise school. I just want to fangirl for the rest of my life without human contact.

"Not happening and drop your sister to school love you Liz." She signed to me and kissing my forehead.

"Love you too Mom". I signed back while taking Daisy hand and heading out to my jeep.


"Hello my name is Alizabeth Jones I'm new and I came for my schedule." I smiled at the old lady behind the desk. It took me a while to find the office but I managed.

"Here you go." The lady said handing me my schedule.

"Thank you." I replied before leaving the office. I looked down at my schedule and headed out the room and walked down the hallway with my head down looking at my schedule so I can find my first class.

While I was walking I bumped into a wall and I fell straight down on my back.

"Ouch." I muttered while rubbing my lower back.

"You should really watch where your going."

Well that's not a wall. I opened my eyes and became face to face to a some guy wearing all black. With just one look at him you can tell he's the bad boy of the school.

"I can say the same to you." It's not all my fault.

"When people walk they can't see that low." He replied with a smirk and patting my head.

I immediately ripped his hand off my head and stood up.

"Is that so okay well here's an award of dick of the year." I gave him a sarcastic smile and showing him my middle finger. I just got here and he's already on my hit list.

"Feisty." He said and took a step towards me.

I scoffed and walked away before he grabbed my wrists to stop me from moving which made me spin back around.

"Move." I pushed him which didn't make him move at all he just kept his eyes in the same place.

"You shouldn't walk away from people it's rude." He replied still with a smirk which is taking everything in me to not punch it off his face.

"Let go of me." I told him while trying to pull my arm back which made him pull me towards him. I quickly kneed him where his genitals are placed which made him cover his hands in that place and fall on the floor. I squatted down and whispered in his ear.

"Congratulations you just got kneed by a girl half your height." With that I walked away from....

I didn't get his name so I shall call him Mr.potato head.

With that I walked away from Mr.potato head.

A/N: Hello beautiful person reading this how are you? I hoped you liked my first chapter of this book. I know it was pretty short I just wanted to end it like that but my other chapters will be longer. Comment if you liked it and give it a vote please. Thank you!<3


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