#4 The kidnapp

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I didn't know what to make the picture be so enjoy this beautiful picture of Troye sivan.

¤Alizabeth P.O.V¤

Currently I'm choking on my pizza and hitting the table like a psychotic.
Turns out Amber was right we've become close and she's drop dead hilarious. She's telling me about the time when she caught her brother having sex with her ex best friend.

"Then she ran up to me naked and hugged me while crying. I literally just stood there in shock and disgust, I didn't know what to do." She said shaking her head from the memory.

"Did you forgive her?" I said with concern if I had a brother and I caught him ducking a girl I don't know what I would do either.

"Not really every time I looked at her that situation pops up in my head so I stop talking to her and then I had 0 friends. In till a little birdy with pink hair showed up." She said smiling at me.

I gave her a wide grin back before drinking my apple juice." So Alizabeth what's your story?" Amber asked me talking a bite out of her apple.

"Well my mom and little sister are deaf and my dad left couple years ago without saying anythi-."

"Woah your mom and sister is deaf. That's fucking amazing." She said with both her eyebrows high.

"How do you say my name in sign language?"

I put my pizza in my left hand and spelled out A.M.B.E.R in sign language. She seemed to be really impressed with that like she's never seen sign language before.

"I've never seen sign language before." She explained like she was reading my mind. That explains it.

"Well now you can cross it off your bucket list." I chucked while she gave me a slight push.


It's finally the end of the day. I made sure I got Ambers number and social media your not friends in till you follow each other on everything you both have.

I was standing right next to my car and digging inside my bag trying to find my car keys in till I was thrown over someone's shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN." I screamed and trying to get myself out of this position. Whoever this is must be strong as hell he won't even move a flinch from my hitting he just kept walking.

"Who ever you are I will carve out your organs and shove it down your throat if you don't put me the duck down!" I screamed while he opened a door and walked in. When whomever finally put me down and turned on the lights I made a run for it and whomever grabbed my waist and put me back in my previous position.

"Jonesy calm down it's me." That's when I looked up and became face to face with Hunter


What the sweet world of Jesus he's kissing me. I quickly pulled away and once again tried to make a run for it and he grabbed my waist picking me up and placing me on some small table.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." He said pretty calm like he hadn't just kissed me.

"Why did you just kiss me?" I asked while he removed his hand and put it in his pocket.

"You kept talking how else was I supposed to shut you up?" He asked while staring back down at my lips which felt pretty weird.

"Why did you bring me in here?" His reason better be good I wanted to get a smoothie.

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to join the dance team, during the party you danced with me so well I wanted to ask you to join. When I saw you at the parking lot I didn't want you to go so quick to I just grabbed you and now where here." He said shyly looking down. He could've just asked me at the parking lot but whatever.

ΩHunter P.O.VΩ

After a while of talking to her trying to convince her to join she said she'll think about it which is better than I thought. We finally left and it was time for me to go home. I hated my house and my parents. All they do is fight which gives me headaches. They mind as well get a divorce I don't know what's holding them back.

A/N: What's poppin? What's good? What it is? Wassupppp! Hey beautiful people here's another chapter I hope you liked it. Press the star on the bottom please and thank you ;) LOVE YOU


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