#3 The bad boy can dance

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¤ Alizabeth P.O.V¤

It's now 4pm on Saturday. I'm doing Daisy's hair while she watches Sofia the first. For those who are probably like how is she watching it isn't she deaf. She's reading off of the captions. With the biggest smile on her face. That's one of my favorite things about Daisy she never complained about being deaf. She does things anybody could do it. And if it's ever harder for her she doesn't her own way she is only 9 but she's real mature for her age.

"Are you almost done? I have homework" She turned around and signed to me.

"Yes almost." I signed back and twirled my finger gesturing for her to turn back around which she obeyed. Friday Daisy say a girl with fish tail braids and she wanted me to do it for her since hair is kinda my thing. She had long wavy dirty blonde just like Mom. I had platinum blonde hair like my Dad which is one of the reason why I dyed my hair. Not gonna lie I looked pretty cute as a blonde but in my opinion I look better with pink hair.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and pressed the camera icon and handed it to Daisy. I saw her through the phone and she had a huge ass smile.

"I love it." She turned around and signed to me before welcoming me in a hug. She ran to my mom in the kitchen to show her, her hair style.

"Bing." I picked up my phone from the floor Daisy left it on and checked the notification I got. It was a notification from Instagram.

Huntertheman followed you.

I followed back and went through his pictures. Shocker there all mostly of him shirtless and they got a shit ton of likes. Well he does have a shit ton of followers. He hasn't posted in a shit ton of weeks.

You know that moment when you are just casually going through someone's page and you don't even realise how deep your currently in. I am now in 34 weeks in his pictures. I tried to exit out of one of the pictures till my phone froze and I tapped on it multiple twice till I accidentally liked his picture.


My heart started to pound rapidly while I immediately unliked the picture. Will he get a notification if I deleted it real fast? That's the question if life everyone wonders. I went up stairs to my room and through my phone on my bed. I need a distraction of what just happened. I took out my laptop and went on Netflix. Mind as well watch some Vampire diaries at this moment. I watched the show until I started to close my eyes and drift into sleep.


I woke up to the sounds on my computer. Shit it's still playing. I.don't remember where I was left off crap.
I just paused it then closed it to look later. It's now 6pm which means it is now time to eat 'Lunner'. Lunner is a combination of the name lunch and dinner. You eat it between lunch and dinner. Yup, if you didn't catch it I love food. I changed into clothes then walked down stairs to get some food and in my luck there was a pot on the stove which means Mom left out food for me. I love that women. I checked inside of it and saw it was spaghetti noodles. I got a bowl and fork and walked back to get some noodles till I saw a note on the dinner table. I picked it up and started to read it.

Alizabeth I'm out right now so I made you and Daisy food. Noodles in the pot on the stove, meatballs in the microwave and sauce in the fridge. Wake up Daisy and help her with her homework please and thank you. See you later.

-Love the best mom you'll ever get.

Typical mother. I made my plate and Daisy's and bringing it up. Daisy's room is purple with teddy bears and pictures everywhere. Unlike my room which is pink and posters up everywhere. I put the two bowls on her table to go wake her up. I shook her lightly which caused her to move farther away from me and turn so her back is facing me. I shook her again and this time she didn't even move. I don't have patience like that so I grabbed her comforter off her which got her up. Finally, She got up slowly and gave me a bitch do that shit again I dare you face.

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