Chapter Six

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**Lyna's P.O.V**

I jolt awake at the sounds of crashing somewhere downstairs. Well fuck I hope I don't die now because that would really piss me off; I'd die as a pissed sixteen year old girl that had no hope. I don't even realize that my entire body is shaking like a leaf until another crash sounds downstairs. I fly out of the covers immediately, and in a matter of five seconds, I'm holding one of the knives Niall brought up here just in case something happened. Wait...where the fuck is Niall?

I look to the floor just in front of the bed and there he is, fucking sleeping on the God damn floor. Is he fucking serious? He was supposed to be on watch not sleeping on the damn floor! He's the one that should be holding this knife and waking me up, not me. I clamber over to him and slap him on the side of the face. He immediately jumps up, his eyes wide as he looks around the room frantically for the source of the slap.

"You fucking idiot!" I whisper-yell to him. His head snaps to me kneeling in front of him and his blue eyes dull slightly.

"Wha- did you hit me?!" he begins to raise his voice and I slap my hand over his mouth. He begins to breath heavily as his eyes meet the large butcher knife I have in my right hand. Oh shit, he thinks I'm going to kill him. Well, I could kill him but it's not the right time yet so I fight against the temptation.

"Shut up! I had to slap you awake because someone's downstairs!" I keep my tone in a frantic whisper. His blue eyes meet mine now, they're the size of saucers and I can tell that he's scared out of his mind. Well no shit, we're in a fucking deserted house in a death match and someone is downstairs. There is another crash that sounds again and I feel his breathing hitch, and his body stiffen.

"Stop doing that, we got to go find out who the hell it is." I whisper again, this time taking my sweating hand off of his just as sweaty face.

"N-no! W-what i-if it's a-a c-career? T-they'll kill u-us!" He stutters, and his entire body begins to shake. Jesus Christ can he stop being such a baby? Yeah I know there are people downstairs and there's a possibility that they could kill us, but if we get to them before they notice we can kill them first. Well, I can kill them first, because this asshole over here is to scared to even breath properly. I hope he doesn't shit himself because I will not be cleaning that up.

"Then we kill them first." I speak to him sternly and he begins to shake his head frantically. Ugh can't he just agree with me and drop it? Sooner or later I'm just going to kill him and then take care of the people downstairs.

"No. I-I'm not g-going t-to k-kill anybody." His voice is low. I roll my eyes at him.

"Niall, you're in a fucking death match you're going to have to kill someone sooner or later to survive." I huff and he still shakes his head. I'm about to slap him again when I hear rushed footsteps heading up the stairs. My entire body freezes momentarily before I realize I have an injured person and myself to hide before they get to us. Niall's face is swollen from me almost beating him to death yesterday and I'm pretty sure his body is exhausted from all the punches it took and all the thrashing.

"Fuck." I breathe once my body finally unfreezes from it's terror; it's now resorted to just shaking uncontrollably. Niall is looking at me like I'm God and that I determine his fate, like what the fuck? He needs to move if he wants to live!

"Get under there." I frantically whisper to him and point to the bed. He nods furiously before dragging himself towards the bed as fast as he can. I still have the knife in my hand so I guess I'm fighting this alone. 

The footsteps begin to get louder and faster, however they sound irregular. It sounds like the person is either retarded, or injured so maybe I might have the advantage here. Nevertheless, I prepare myself for whoever it is that is about to walk through this door. Before the person even steps through the door I hear a shuffle from behind me and I turn my head slightly to see Niall now getting up. What the fuck?I told him to go under the damn bed why is he being so stupid?

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