Chapter Four

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**Lyna's P.O.V**

Where the fuck am I? There’s no actual sunlight in here, which is unusual for the games. They can’t just leave us with any sunlight! We’ll all end up dying together before a victor is even determined! What the hell were they thinking! Ugh these stupid idiots have no idea what the hell their doing.

My eyes finally adjust to my surroundings as I immediately notice the grey walls and concrete floor. Am I in a fucking basement? Who the fucks bright idea was it to have the Hunger Games held in a damn basement?! Well that’s great, we’re all going to die in a matter of seconds. So they wanted these games to move quick didn’t they? Those assholes.

“Are you fucking kidding me?!” I yell. I don’t care if the other tributes hear me, this is fucking bullshit. They can’t make the games go this fast.

Wait a second –there’s a set of stairs behind this brunette in front of me. My heart begins to flip as I think of that being a possible way out of this horrendous place. I mean, it smells like ass and old sewer rat in here. My eyes are literally burning with the smell like holy shit somebody needs to clean this up. As much as I would love to run across the room to that staircase and escape, I don’t think the odds will be in my favor like they say. By the time I get to those stairs I’d be dead, and that’s something I want to avoid at the moment. My eyes frantically search the room for another escape. There is a pillar in the middle of the room that looks pointless as shit, along with a bunch of weird ass apples that keep flickering on the floor. There’s no other escape in front of me that I can see, so I turn my head around to look at the wall behind me.

Oh thank whatever God there might be.

It’s a staircase.

I don’t have to run towards that career over there and risk getting mauled in order to escape. I can just run out the back way behind me and find some food and shelter.

And extra clothes. Terrance’s voice repeats those words to me. Oh right clothes, because the ones I’m wearing are itchy and worthless as shit.

The screen on the wall in front of me continues to count down with those annoying orange numbers. Twelve. Eleven. Ten. Nine.


What the fuck? I look to my side to see two tributes screeching and covered in blood as one drops to her knees on her platform. Well looks like some idiot tried to step off their platform. Is he fucking stupid? Everyone knows that there’s mines around those damn things! That’s probably the stupidest way to die, by the fucking mines before the games even starts.

One less enemy to worry about, I think to myself.

I stare at the cowering tributes beside the bloodied plate and scoff at how stupid they are. Stop crying for a person you never knew dumbasses, especially when he was going to die anyways at one point.

I was too lost in my thoughts of slapping those two stupid tributes to hear see that the numbers on the screen have vanished. Where the hell’s the cannon that usually signals us to start? Were they running low on budget this year? What the hell am I thinking? The Capitol never runs low on budget, especially when putting their money towards the Hunger Games.

I look around at the other tributes but find none of them moving. They must still be in shock by that idiot blowing himself up. However there is only one tribute I see moving and that’s the brunette girl that was standing in front of the staircase opposite to me. I watch her whip around and take off into the staircase, as I hear her heavy footsteps moving quickly. When I see there is still no tribute in motion yet, I take the opportunity to whip around and run into the staircase behind me. It’s just in time too, because as soon as I reach the top of the stairs, an ear piercing scream echoes through the place.

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