Hi, my name is (Y/N). I don't remember a lot of my childhood.... all i know is that i was raised by two aliens: Mem and Zen. Yeah, i'm not joking...
They teached me how to fight and protect myself.
And when I was ready they give me something that i...
New book pic! I hope you like......sorreh Ah! Pls read everything. It's really important.
Your POV:
It's been a week from the last time I had seen the guys. Right now I'm trying some outfit for my first day in a human school. "Let's see.." a skirt? Oh hell no. Leggins...? Nah. Mmm... perfect! I grab a (f/c) shirt, black jeans and a red hoodie. I put them on and run downstairs. I put on some (2f/c) shoes and say goodbye to Mem and Zem. I teletrasport in front if the school ....what? I was late! I enter the school closing the doors quite loudly. Wow. There are a lot of human. Like me. I look around. Everyone was looking at me. Most girls where smiling (and some blushing huehue), other were glaring at me while the guys where blushing or smirking...oh well.
(Time skip brought you by Kevin dog's ugly ass face)
"God-freaking-damnit!" I scream in my head as I walk trough the hallways.
I still can't find my class! And....I need to go to the bathroom (;w;)
Wait. In front of me stand a blonde haired girl. Maybe I could ask her! "Hey!" I say as I approch her. "GAH- what..who are you? WAIT- I don't have time for this! I need to go meet someone!" "Wait! Can you tell me where is the bathroom??" I ask. "Oh. Right there, after the principal office, btw I'm Ashley" She says as she run away.
I enter the bathroom, I look around. There are two girls. One with black hair and blue eyes wearing a purple dress and the other was a short girl with light brown hair and dark brown eyes wearing a pink jacket and a pink skirt.
"Well, and I was like "No." and then you were like "You are." And he was all like "No but then you are" and I was like "I kind of I am" and so, long story short he is kind of my boyfriend right now."
The one with brown hair looks at her and then says: "I'm soooo pretty"
Wait what-
"You really are! Isn't there like cheerliding practice today?............"
I don't want to disturb them but I really need to-
"Emh...excuse me?!" "Hello?" Both of the girls look at me. I turn around "What?" "Who the heck are you?" The brown haired girl asks me. Me, being the sassy lil piece of crap I am, fire back: "Who the heck are you?" I glare at her. "I asked you first!" "I asked you second" The other girl glares at me. "She is Amy Anderson, DUH! Head cheerleader. Homecoming queen Part time model."
Well, crap.
"Oh." 'Amy' looks at me"Who the fuck are you...?" I smirk "I'm (Y/N), I'm new." "Why the heck are you in here?!" "Ashley." I say. "Ashley who?!" "Ashley with blonde hair."
Her friend start talking to herself. "Wait, she isn't even in charge of the door-"
"So, (Y/N), let me tell you how things work around here-" Ok, she is getting on my nerves! "I KNOW how things work around here."
"Ashley is in charge of the snacks, why is she letting people inside of the door-"
Amy continue: "This is my bathroom. This is my school. And this is me telling you that you need to learn your place." Uuuuuh sassy, not as much as me honey. "Guess what? I already know all those things" I say. "OH REALLY?" "YA."
"Kiki is in charge of the door, what the heck is she doing letting Ashley letting people in?!-"
Amy glares at me. "You are not from around here, are you (Y/N)?" "I just transferred, from...uuuh...... Iqalut." "Where the heck is that?" "It's the capital of Nunavut, a place in Canada."
Thank god I read a lot of books...
She fake-smile at me. "Well let me tell you how things work oround here and over-" "I ALREADY KNOW HOW THINGS WORK AROUND HERE!!" I scream. "OH REALLY?!" She screams back. "YEAH!!" "TYLER BOWMAN TOLD ME ALL ABOUT IT!!"
(In this weeks you and the supernoobs had time to talk about a lot of things....)
"Is Kiki sick? I feel like she might has died-"
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TALKING TO TYLER BOWMAN?!" She screams at me. "We are friend, we met four weeks ago." I smile thinking about the time I spend with Shope and the guys. "HE IS LIKE MY FREAKING BOYFRIEND, BETCH!!" (lol) "That's not what Jennifer said" "But Jennifer Shope is a freaking liar!"
"Oh well she seems to know a lot about you and Jock Jockerson~" I say with a smirk. She looks kinda suprised. "Ah-........ok (Y/N) just-....what the fuck fo you want?" I sigh. "I want to poop here... whenever I want and as long as I want." She sigh too. "Fine, but know, that I do not like you." she says as she glares at me. "I feel indifferent towards you." I say clearly annoyed. "Ah!.......I'll be watching you."
"IIIIIIIIIIII'm going to poop now" I say as I close the toilet's door.
Mini timeskip
I get out of the toilet feeling like a total new person. (XD) I wash my hands. The girls are still looking at me. "So..........................................................have fun smelling my poop bitchesss!!" I say as I run out of the bathroom.
Now, Ashley told that the principal office is near the bathrooms.... Ah! Here it is!
I knock at the door "......excuse me?" I open the door a little. "Oh! You must be the new student! (Y/N) (Y/S)! It's sooooo nice to meet you!" She exclaims as she smile at me. "Thank you. It's really nice to meet you, too." I smile. She looks nice.
...... ...... ......
998 words. Like, Jesus. XD So, I'll try to update as much as I can..... And I have something to tell you. I was thinking that maaayyyyybe if you guys want me to....add Crouch as a love interest.... You and the noobs are like 16 sooo.....he would look like this:
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Yes, this is one of my drawings... I would love to add Crouch. But, you decide. Pls tell me. It's REALLY IMPORTANT. .... Oh!