Rewrite Chap 1

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So, this is the first chap of the rewritten story (that is on my profile).
Let me know what do you think of it!

Your POV

My pen touches the paper gently as my hand moves slowly creating the beautiful figure of a dancer.
I love seeing people dancing, it's relaxing.
I feel ipnotized by their bodies moving so beautifully, without making a single mistake.
They look like dolls.....they look perfect.
Thing that I'll never be.
I'm not even good at dancing.
I'm not even good at..... a lot of things.
I pose down the pencil and look at my "creation".
"Hey! It's pretty good!" I smiled.
I stayed silent for a minute staring at the drawing, then, my smile fell.
It was good.
But not amazing or awesome.
Not even good.

I sighed as I put down the drawing.
I got up from the chair.
And took a look at my room.
It's not the biggest room in the house, but I really can't complain.
I really like it.
It's space themed.

I wonder how it's like to live in space.
Touching a star is my biggest dream.
Are there any other creatures on other planets...?
Eh.....I wish I knew.

I get out of my room and I close the white door behind me.
Trying to be quiet I walk down the stairs.
I really don't want to wake up my sister Diana.

Diana is...ugh.
I just don't like her...I don't hate her,
She used to mentally abuse me when I was younger and she still does, not as much as before tho.
Diana is horribly.... beautiful.

She is curvy and can charm every man she meet.

Eh. Sometimes she likes to have tooooo much fun with that.

She use too much makeup tho.

Like TOO MUCH makeup.

Returning to us.
I step in the living room and I sit on the sofa.
It's a pretty cool living room.
I mean, in New York we had a bigger one but this is not bad.

I take the tv controller and start to watch some news.
"Mike, isn't it a another great day for our little town?!"
"Yeah Jonh, today our heroes, The Supernoobs saved us like always."

Supernoobs........? Who are those?
4 guys dressed in super heroes costumes were showed on the screen.
One was Blue, one Red, one Purple, one Green.
On their chest are some kind of metallic balls-
"Oh my God!" I scream as I run upstairs, not caring anymore about my sister waking up.
I enter my room at the speed of light and I open the first drawer of my bedside table.
I grab what I needed and sprint downstair.
I sit on the sofa.
I look at the four boys being interviewed.
My hands shake as I look at the object I hold in them: A black Metallic Ball.
I walk toward the television and try to compare my "metallic object" with theirs.
They.....look the same.
The interview end as I stay paralized in front of the television.
I take the remote, turn off the tv and sit on the carpet.
"I need to find those guys!" I exclaim.
"They are the only clue I'll probably ever find. Eh...
They are the town's heroes. I don't think it will be difficult to find them, I mean, It's not a big town after all!" I smile and my eyes shine with excitement.
"This is awesome!"
"OI?! Would you like to shut the f**k up?!" I hear someone scream.

Oh no...

A tall figure is now in front of me.
"O-oh sorry Diana did I wake yo-"
She lift me up the ground by my shirt.
"Yes you f**king did!"
She looks at me, her eyes looks like flames!
"You know what, you lil' brat?! Go out and buy me a coffe!"
She hands me some money.
I look at my clothing: Shorts and a sport bra. I sigh.
"Alright, let me get dressed first"
I say as I step towards the stairs.
"Move your a**"
What a nice sister I have.

~Times Skip~

I step out of the Tweek Bros Cafe with a bag with a Black cafe and a chocolate pastry.
I start heading home while sipping my (fav type of coffe), who was actually buyed by the blond cute guy who work there, his name is Tweek Tweak.
We were both blushing like idiots.
I look around, umh... maybe I could look around a lil bit-AH?!
I fall down with someone on top of me.
I open my eyes.
Big brown eyes staring into mine.
I blush madly and I push the person in front of me.
I stand up and look at the person who fell on me.

(Drawing was made by me :3
Sorry for the bad pic ("- < -)

An handsome guy about 16-17, (Author: you are 16 just sayin)
wearing beige pants, a purple sweater and a light purple beanie.
He stand up and gives me my bag while scratching the back of his head.
"I am really sorry miss, I wasn't watching where I was going" he says, his face as red as a tomato.
I smile while blushing "N-no it was my foult too, don't worry!.........................My name is (Y/N), it's a pleasure to meet you." I offer my hand to shake.
He shake my hand with a smile on his face "The pleasure it's all mine,  I'm Jeremy Shope. My friends just call me Shope tho."
I laugh.
"Well, in this case, it's nice to meet you Shope-"
My phone started ringing.
I looked at it and gasped.
"Oh god! I need to get home right now! I hope we can see eachother again sometimes! Bye!" I say as I run home.
"Bye! I guess" Jeremy said while waving.

~Time Skip~

I jump on my bed.
"UGH! I'm so tired."
I look at the metallic ball, in my open drawer.
I sigh and close it.
Tomorrow it's going to be the first day at my new school.
I need some rest.
I close my eyes while thinking obout all the thing that might happen tomorrow.

I hope that you like the first chapter of my re-writed Supernoobs x Reader story!
1048 are a lot more words I tought I would write!
Have a nice day- night or whatever.

The Author

(OLD) &quot;Stuck In The Middle&quot; A Supernoobs story (Kevin x Reader x Tyler) Where stories live. Discover now