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Thanks to everyone who participated in the first PJO Watty Awards - writers and voters alike. 

➣ Prizes will be given to anyone receiving first, second, or third place. To anyone who receives a prize, please email us if you can't save the cover.

➣ Anyone who receives a Favourite Author Award should email us if you can't save the picture.

➣ Any votes made after 12:00 GMT, 04:00 EMT on December 30th will not be counted as voting will have ended.

➣ Due to the fact there were categories that did not end in decisive results during the tie breakers, some may have multiple second or third place winners. Because of this, other categories have results decided by a wheel-decider.

And now, on with the results!

PJO Watty Awards 2016 WinnersWhere stories live. Discover now