Chapter 1

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“Miles, this is what you wanted. I welcomed you to the family, and you’re like a brother to me but if you can’t hold your own, you got to go.”

“I can, Alex, I can! My gun is faulty, I nearly had that guy square in the head!” Miles, was in a panic, he knew if Alex let him go, the Spades would come after him like a hungry dog after a cut of thrown out meat.

“That’s not what Jules said.” Alex tapped his cigar on the edge of the ashtray placed on his desk.

Miles was hurt. Alex believed Julian over him. If it wouldn’t put his life on the line, and if his impending greed wasn’t approaching with how much money he had made on Tuesday, he would have just left this mafia all together.

“I know you have it in you. We’ve got another heist planned in two weeks. Show me what you can bring to the table. It’s your last chance.” And with that, he lifted his drink to his lips and finished off his whiskey.

Miles left the office. He went down the stairs, which led to the bar and club. Isabella Turner owns this building. She operates her nightclub on the main level, and her husband and the men in his administration’s offices are on the level above it.

“Miles, baby, why do you look so glum?” Isabella puts the glass down that she was washing, calling out to the man leaving the staircase. “Come ‘ere, I’ll pour you one.”

He smiles weakly, walking around to the stools and having a seat on one in front of her.

“It’s not as easy as I thought it would be, Bella.” He taps his fingers on the wood surface of the bar.

“You thought being apart of a crime family would be easy?” She lifts the bottle of bourbon, holding it over the glass as she pours.

“No, no. I just didn’t think Al would go so hard on me.” He rubs his temple, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“He’s hard on everyone dear, it’s not just you. When Fabrizio first joined, he didn’t go easy on him either.” Isabella handed him the glass, setting the bottle down.

He sipped it, nodding.

A pair of men approached the bar, coats and hats still on.

“Can I help you fellas?” Isabella says, both hands on the bar, looking out to them.

“Turner. We know he’s here.” One of them says.

Isabella glances at Miles, giving him a look that says be ready to defend. “Who’s askin?” She quirks a brow, eyeing the men.

“Point us in the right direction or we’ll shoot this place up.” The other one says.

In no longer than a seconds time, she whips a pistol out from under the bar, cocking it and aiming it, and when she glances at Miles once more, he has his out from his pocket and aimed at the other man.

“I think you got three seconds to beat it, or I’ll put a hole in your esophagus.” She verbally spits at them.

The men look at each other, then grimace at Isabella. They back away, walking out of the club.

“You recognize them?” She asks Miles.

“No. I’m new, remember.” He finishes his drink, setting the glass down. “Tell Alex to take care for me. I’m heading out.” He gets off the stool, straightening his jacket.

“Remember there’s a meet tomorrow at two o’clock. Upstairs. I’ll see you around, Miles.” She smiles, and serves the other people at the bar.

Miles leaves the nightclub, having not enough liquor in his system to actually make him feel any better.

He walks down the dimly lit sidewalk, hand in his pocket and holding his gun securely inside his jacket. He gives himself a mental pep-talk.

Al can’t help going hard on me. He’s the don, he’s got a responsibility to keep this family on the top. If I’m no help, he can’t let me stick around. Makes sense. He opened the books just for me, and I have to show him it was worth it. I have to.

But his thoughts are interrupted. His jacket collar was pulled, he’s in a dark alley and before he can register what’s happening, he get’s a sock in the face from a fist.

They gag him so he can’t scream, a cloth shoved in his mouth. His wrists are tied behind his back and he’s struggling harder than he ever has but it’s no use. They open the trunk of a car, and he can feel himself being lifted. He’s thrown in, the trunk door is slammed and he’s surrounded by darkness in a small space. The only sounds he can hear are his strangled breathing and the sound of the muffler under him.

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