2- An Idea

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2 Years Later

As I lay on the cold cement floor, drawing with a single graphite pencil, straining my eyes so I'm able to see- since it's so damn dark- I notice voices coming from outside my cell. I twist around, stuffing my pencil under my pillow and walk over to the door, listening.

"She was the only pure in her family. We don't know anything about her father, though." A female voice says softly, her voice hoarse, "What should we do?"

"Nothing. We'll let her into the ceremony. How many girls did you say there were?" Male's voice.

"Fifteen eligible candidates, all nineteen." 

"She's eighteen." The male voice questions.

"Yes, but she's better than most of the other nineteen year old's." 

"How many boys?"

"Seventeen. The two remaining will be sent back here until further notice." The woman sounds tired, like it doesn't matter, but the man continues asking questions.

"All nineteen?" 

"Yes." A yawn.

"Alright then, lets get this going." The man claps his hands together, and I scramble to my bed when I hear the lock on my door beep. They're coming in.

I try to make my breath even, but it doesn't work.

"Bree Jones? You need to come with us." The female voice calls, "We don't have much time."

Sitting up, I get to see their faces for the first time. The female is an attractive blonde, with thick, silky hair wrapped up into a braided bun and dull, gray eyes that are stone cold. The male's face is covered by black cloth, but his eyes are a piercing green.

"What for?" My voice is hoarse, I've barely spoken to anyone in these past years.

The man laughs, smiling through the cloth, "You're going to save the human race! Now, please come with us, we don't want to force you."

I shake my head, fear welling up inside my chest. These people murdered my family, no way am I going to answer to them.

"You have three seconds." The man says, his voice tight. I freeze.

"You have three seconds or I'll blow your head up."  Red dots glowed on my dads face, but he still didn't move.

"Sir, he could be pure." A guard called, "And we need to gather all pure humans and report them to the Fringe."

The leader laughs, holding up his own gun, "Not if they don't follow orders. You have three seconds." He repeats.

"Dad!" I scream, my voice failing, "Please, stand up!"


My dad doesn't move.

"Two...." Me, pleading for him to stand up.

The leader, shaking his head, "One...." Then, he flicks his wrist, and my dad's head blows up.


"Bree." A voice brings my back, lulling me out of my memory. That happened minutes before they took me away. Scanned my mom first, she wasn't pure, so they put a bullet through her head. My sister was next. She wasn't pure, either. Tired to run, got shot in the back of the neck.

"Come on, we aren't going to hurt you." The woman's voice has turned kind, and she outstretches her hand, I take it.

"Let's get going." The man says as the woman pulls me up. I haven't left this room in two years, and I'm surprised at what I find outside these cement walls.

As the door beeps and we walk outside, we're in a larger compound, all stone, cement, and brick. It hasn't changed much from when they brought me here two years ago, but I expected at least a little more than this.

The halls are crowed with other people, all girls, wearing the same clothes: Issued blue jeans, a gray v-neck shirt, and brown leather laced boots. All of us are accompanied by at least two people, some more than others.

We turn a corner, arriving at a large, open area. Rows of metal chairs placed evenly in front of a massive stage with a podium on the top. There are two rows of boys, placed in the two front seats, and girls are filing into the chair's behind them.

I find myself sitting next to a dark brown haired girl. Her eyes are a soft gray, deep and shiny. Her hair wrapped up in a messy bun. Where did she get the hair tie? 

Finally, almost everyone is seated, and a tall man walks up to the podium, wearing a crisp blue suit. His black hair is slicked back, and he wears a silver pin.

"Hello," He calls, smiling warmly at us all, "I am Chancellor Winston, one out of the fifty remaining pure adults. You pure teens consist of 150, and you are the last of humanity."

He pauses, allowing us to let it sink in. Billions are dead- billions are un-pure. What?

"So save our race, I've developed a system that will make things easier." He continues, "Something that could change our fate, your fate. I know that this choice won't be easy, but this is the best possible solution to our problem."

I turn my head to see how the other teens are handling this. We don't know what he wants from us, but I think most of us also watched our families get murdered, and we aren't really in the mood for helping him if he caused their deaths.

"Well, I guess there is really no other way to put this," pause, "But we need you all to help us.  know many of you will not want to do this, but this is all we've got."

"What is it?!" Someone calls from the crowd. The chancellor looks for the culprit, but he mustn't find him, because he continues on with his speech. 

The chancellor takes a deep breath and gives us all a grave look, 

"We need you to reproduce."

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