3- Good Gaurd

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Hushed voices and murmurs follow the Chancellor's voice. Even though we don't know each other, we know that this is far beyond anything we could of suspected.

"Now, now!" The Chancellor calls, hands raised, "You don't need to right away! Tonight, we will pair each of you with the opposite gender. Fifteen girls, fifteen boys, all of you were chosen because you have the purest of pure genes! Please, help us save humanity!"

A dark-skinned girl stands up, her brown eyes shimmering, "You want us to have sex with people we don't know?! That's stupid!"

Chancellor Winston laughs, his face cold, "Yes, I do want that to happen. You'll be assigned to your opposite gender, and we'll give you a week to get comfortable, then you need to reproduce." 

More people stand up, swearing, screaming, protesting, fist's pumping in the air with defiance. I stay still, unable to process this all. How could this be the only option? To save the human race, the un-pure had to die. To save the human race, we needed only 200 people to survive just so we can reproduce?

Finally, the Chancellor presses his ear-piece, and guards file in, grabbing us by the arm. Are they pure, or are they pretending to be? 

A young male guard walks me out, his grip vice-like. "Hey!" I protest, ripping my arm away, "I didn't do anything! Let me go!" The guard's grip loosens slightly, but he still keeps his hold, navigating us through the protesting crowd until we reach my cell.

"You know, they want you the most." He whispers, eyebrows raised, "I've checked your report, you're the only one who's underage. Listen to them, and you'll survive." Releasing my hand, he uses a card and my door beeps open.

"Why?" I ask, fear tearing through me.

"Because you're the only known one in your family that was pure. The others had at least on other family member who was pure, but most were too under-age. You might be the answer to everything they've been searching for."

As his eyes search around frantically, as if he's worried someone heard him, I shake my head, wondering why he's helping me, "What do you want?!" I demand, placing my hands on my hips, "Who are you?"

Smiling, his soft blue eyes shimmer, "I'm Finn."

Without another word, he walks away, leaving my door open just a bit. 

Time for me to find out what's going on.



So, this story isn't going to  mature or anything, don't worry! There is romance, but it won't be anything bad. I've been dropping clues throughout the chapters, wonder if any of you got some of the hints! 

Sorry for the shorter chapter, but I thought it would be a good place to stop. What do you think about the story so far? Comment below on your thoughts!

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