Chapter 4

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Danny pov

"did ... I ... just ..."peej spoken unsure how to properly function a sentence. All of us was just as confused as he was he just literally ran at the speed of light what the fuck are you suppose to do, he just did something that is impossible

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING!" I shout in a panic as Phil and Chris helps Pj stand up. Pj rubs the back of his head giving us all a confused look and we return the look

"maybe ..." Chris pause trying to think of a reason "maybe we all hit our heads to hard when we got knocked over and we're all see weird shit" Chris nervously laughs, he knew that's not it because why would Peej run into a tree "try it again Peej ". Pj gives him an unsure nod, me Phil and Chris step out his way, he takes a deep breath. He takes off with a small run than with a gust of wind he was suddenly face planting another tree falling on to the floor again

"can we stop telling him to do that before he gets a concussion" Phil asks worried for Peej but he shouldn't be able to do that. We all stand in an awkward silence for a moment then I suddenly dawned on us

"you have superpowers "I say our expression changed from confused to an amazed one "and your eyes are back to normal " Chris added, of course, he would be the one to notice that but it was true his eyes are back his normal green instead of the glowing green.

"all your eyes are still glowing, maybe you guys some powers too" Peej said excited " did anyone feel something just before you were fell unconscious because I feel like a strike of lightning hit me but it didn't hurt but everything around me become quite slow and for a slight second I had the same feeling just before hitting the tree both times" Pj asked, I know what he meant I felt like I was on fire but it wasn't hurting.

"I felt like I was freezing but it felt okay, its hard to explain, I felt freezing but at the same time I didn't " Phil try to explain, we understood what he meant "I felt like I don't know it was like a strong feeling like I suddenly felt strong and my eyes felt like they were burning" Chris tried to explain next.

So if Peej said he felt like everything slowed down around and that's how super speed works, his surroundings slow down so he can move faster and suppose to be able to dodge things but it is his first he needs to learn how to control it. Phil felt frozen and Chris felt strong maybe Phil could have some form of ice and cold power maybe Chris has like super strength or something, I was pulled out of my thoughts by Phil asking "Dan what about you"

"Oh um, I felt like I was completely on fire like burning but it didn't hurt" I replied, wow if anyone was listening to our conversation right now we must seem insane.

"so you Dan felt on fire, you Phil felt frozen and you Chris felt strength " PJ pointed in turn, I want to see if my theory of what Chris and Phil's powers are was true. I take hold of Phil's wrist when I did there were actual sparks around our hands of reds and blues. I then place Phil's hand on the closest tree, he gave me weird look but let me do it, I put his hand on the tree and move my hand away.

My theory was right ice started to form on the tree going up the tree to branches freezing every leaf and every branch. Phil steps back startled by what he did, he turns around to face me and I watch his stop glowing and go back his normal beautiful shade of green and blue with a hint of yellow.

"um Chris try to lift the giant rock over there," Pj says breaking the moment of silence. Chris did just that he wondered over to it stretches and lifted it without a sweat. He turned around to face us with the rock in his hands slightly shocked he could do it. His eye faded back to hazel after he through the rock to the side " that was way lighter then I thought it be "

"now all that left is you " everyone faces me which made me a bit nervous, I lift my hands looking at my palms. I take a deep breath in closing my eyes. Moments later I felt warm I heard someone gasp woah

I open my eyes to see both my hand are on fire, I look at it amazed I turn my hands around to see both sides and my whole hand is completely on fire but my actual hands are fine not burning at all it just a warm. I look at it for a bit before realizing "um guys I don't know how to turn it off "

They all froze in panic, the fire starts to get bigger and started forming into a ball on my palms. My first instinct is to throw it but I don't want to set anything on fire or worst accidentally catch one of the guys especially Phil

"Dan throw it at the ground then Chris put the rock on to stop the oxygen getting at it," Pj says unsure it would definitely work hopefully it does

I wait for Chris to pick up the rock again and lifts it's above his head, he gives me a little nod and I nod back. I swing my left arm around and fireball flow off landing on the floor the grass caught a light Chris immediately dropped the rock on top of it to put the fire out

I let go of the breath I didn't realize I was holding in relief that I didn't hurt one of the guys I don't know how I would've coped if I did

I look at my right hand to see the flames from that hand is putting itself out, I have to find a way to control this before I hurt Chris or Pj or worst Phil

"Well I know who to ask if I ever need a light " Chris joke to lighten to mood, pun intended

"Guys we should really get going, it getting dark and our partners must be getting worried " Phil inform us

We all agreed and speed walked so Pj doesn't go super speeding off and hitting a tree for the 3rd time

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